What are Food Minerals? * Food minerals are those minerals that begin in the ground or sea. * Enzymes need minerals to build strong healthy life forms, whether plant, animal or human bodies. * Minerals and enzymes work together to make us look beautiful and feel strong. * Minerals are a major part of every cell and the larger variety we have in our food.
Classification Of Minerals * Calcium * Magnesium * Potassium * Sodium * Zinc * Phosphorus * Iron * Iodine
Calcium * Calcium is important for building strong bones and teeth. * The time to build strong bones is during childhood and the teen years, so it's very important to get enough calcium to fight against bone loss later in life. * Weak bones are susceptible to a condition called osteoporosis, which causes bones to break easily.
Sources of Calcium :
1) Milk and other dairy products . * yogurt * Cheese * cottage cheese
2) You'll also find this mineral in : * broccoli * dark green * Leafy vegetables.
3) Soy foods including some kinds of orange juice and soy milk are also contain calcium.
Functions of Calcium
Calcium is essential to: * Maintain total body health * Normal growth and development * Keeping your bones and teeth strong * Maintain function of muscles and nerves. * Keep the heart beating. * Helping blood clotting and regulating blood pressure. * Metabolising iron. * Cell structure * Absorbing vitamin B12
Magnesium * Magnesium helps muscles and nerves function, steadies the heart rhythm, and keeps bones strong. * It also helps the body create energy and make proteins.
Sources of Magnesium * Whole grains and whole-grain breads * Nuts and seeds * Green leafy vegetables * Potatoes * Beans * Avocados * Bananas * Milk * Chocolate
Function of Magnesium * Proper functioning of muscles and nerves