Further in our discussion, Draper noted that "Every student in our district receives free meals. We use technology to order the food using online ordering, track what students eat using key pads and databases, and bill to government for the reimbursable meals," Draper explained, "which, in our case, are all meals." In addition to Ohio Department of Education …show more content…
She took me on a tour of her office, and the "lunch lady line." "Technology," she began, "makes my life so much easier. I can do what I need to do in my job, and have accurate counts. If I don't do it right, we don't get paid. If we don't get paid, they don't eat. And my babies can't not eat!" Which, begged my eager mind to ask what changes she would make to her current role. "Honestly, I wouldn't change anything. I would just add more hours in the day, and a better exhaust fan in the kitchen," she joked. "Really, technology is changing the way we do things, and I hope that one day I don't even have to use the computer or key pad to count kid's lunches, I can just use like an iPad to count or enter stuff in. You know, that's what I would change...where my office