Cox, G. (2014). Pub sports - where alcohol fits in Australian sports. Sports Coach, [online] 27(2), p.1. Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2014].…
ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD PUBLISHERS, INC. Published in the United States of America by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706 Estover Road Plymouth PL6 7PY United Kingdom Copyright © 2009 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Eitzen, D. Stanley. Fair and foul : beyond the myths and paradoxes of sport / D. Stanley Eitzen. — 4th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-7425-6177-9 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-7425-6178-6 (pbk. : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-7425-6470-1 (electronic) 1. Sports—Sociological aspects. 2. Sports—Psychological aspects. 3. Sports— Social aspects—United States. I. Title. II. Title: Beyond the myths and paradoxes of sport. GV706.5.E567 2009 796—dc22 2008047982 Printed in the United States of America…
Fantasy football has become increasingly popular amongst sports fanatics, but it also has brought several legal matters involving illegal gambling. These sites ran for multiple years before being shut down, what was the reason States decided to make it illegal to gain profit from Fan Duel, Draft Kings or any other sports gambling site? Winning any sort of money from these sites is from a skill that you develop, but when you are playing in a weekly league how can you call it a skill? Players constantly get hurt and do not perform to the best of their abilities, so it is considered luck if you win any money. Are customers becoming addicted to playing fantasy sports or is it just a game? For some customers it becomes a normal occurrence to play these games but for…
In “When It Comes to Doping, Pro Football Punts,” Fran Tarkenton questions the light shed on certain professional sports due to performance-enhancing drugs. While baseball, cycling, and track and field have been riddled with stories of performance-enhancing drugs, football has managed to remain unscathed throughout the years. Tarkenton’s article in the Wall Street Journal targets all sports enthusiast who care that football is a sport that is slowly getting taken over by performance-enhancing drugs, and the players are paying the ultimate price for the entertainment of others. Through the use of several persuasive strategies, Tarkenton creates an effective argument on the issue of footballs transformation throughout the years and the consequences that have arisen since.…
When it comes to sports in America, The National Football League dominates all others in popularity. For the past 30 consecutive years surveys by the Harris Poll have determined that the NFL is the favorite among fans . 23.6 million fans tune in to watch football every Sunday night on average . However there is a dark side to the NFL’s popularity: Its large amount of criminals. A whopping 55.4% of athletes in the NFL have criminal records . This number is slightly below the national average of arrests for that age group per 100,000, yet it is still concerning because of how young fans see them as role models and icons while the majority of other men age 25-30 are not. Though these athletes have criminal records a lot of them still have huge…
My inquiry question concerns heavy drinking within Greek life and student athletes. These are the two most at risk social groups in college. Both have an ingrained history of heavy alcohol use and have been known to frequently abuse alcohol. Student athletes and Greek life pride themselves for being leaders, upholding their personal integrity, and academic scholarship. But also they have been known for drinking for the purpose to get drunk, also known as “binge drinking”. The two groups live completely different lifestyles and have different drinking patterns, so who drinks more? Both being the most “at risk” groups is there one that drinks more and is there any factors that contribute to this? Based on different perspectives, you may get different answers, reasoning, and risk management strategies that are or should be implemented for safer environments.…
Athletics have shaped the American society for centuries. While whites previously dominated a majority of sports, now members of all races and ethnicities have equal opportunity to succeed in the sports world. With this increase in athletes, also arises a heightened level of competition. Numerous athletes are now relying on performance enhancing drugs to better themselves in their sports. Many athletes use these drugs to increase their running and strength abilities. Some athletes are starting to believe that the only way to become successful in their sport is to take advantage of these drugs, but that is simply not the case.…
The use of drugs in sports affects society’s view of sport in society and society’s trust in athletes…
Football has always been a sport known for hard tackles and rough play, making head injuries inevitable. Football injuries are so serious that some states require the immediate removal of anyone suspected of having sustained a concussion and clearance from a qualified medical professional before the player can return to the field. Football is a dangerous sport because of the high impact injuries. Some of the long term negative health effects of football are catastrophic head injuries, brain damage, laws to protect players, and several deaths.…
Dominant cultural ideologies are contested and struggled over in everyday life (Falcous, 2005), sport included. Falcous’ Media-Sports Complex allows us to view sport in a light that we are not subject to as consumers. It is a key text in understanding what we buy in to, and why or how we have come to the decisions that we have regarding sport in society and culture. It is with things such as the Olympics and highly advertised games that we question: “why did I actually watch that?” It is rarely because you are an avid fan, or active in the sport, but because the media filters the raw reality of the situation, to a point where the act of watching the sport is seen as desirable and rudimentary to your life. With examples of the NBA and NWBA, we are forced to view women in a secondary light to men when it comes to sport, and this is a global phenomenon. In conclusion, the media, be it mass media, niche media, or micro media, have a certain amount of control over sport; how it is viewed, and how it is perceived in society. The critical theorist would place the media at the top of the hegemonic power ladder, controlling the sports, and their organisations. The relationship between media and sport is no longer symbiotic as it was once thought, but viewed as part of the emergent vertical integration…
A teenage years, the period that all of us went through. The time when you are a teenager is very delicate period when you structure your future life. Wherever you are living there is always an alcohol around and being under age of 21, legal drinking age in America, challenge your temptations. America has a strict alcohol limitations but the under age drinking abuse is still at high point. A teenage alcohol abuse is very common social problem today that questions an easy alcohol access for an under age drinkers, prevents young alcohol consumers from healthy body and mind development, involves poor judgement, and leads to…
Religion, politics, and football aren’t going away anytime soon. The metaphoric use of football in this book is my way of bringing us together to talk about tough issues incorporating something Americans all love. Our passion and love for football should help us to see how the things we celebrate and/or hold in high regard in this world induce, within each of us, similar or the very same qualities expressed in traditional religion – such as faith, hope, and love; and in politics – patriotism, freedom, and unity. Though football carries the torch of idolatry in Winning People, Losing America, it quails in the face of money, sex, fame, and power.…
Alcohol – one of the most misused drugs today – is one of the most popular and readily available of all types found on contemporary college and university campuses. Waking in a stupor after the previous night 's party, missing classes, falling behind and ultimately losing whatever funding may have accompanied one 's higher education is but one representation of how drugs can detrimentally impact one 's college experience. Many students think college is just one big party now that they are on their own at school; however, the soiree does not last long once parents find out the extent to which their adult children have detrimentally impacted their scholastic rating by skipping class, failing to complete assignments and generally neglecting their responsibilities.…
before his breakout game - and how it stacks up to other NBA mansions." (2012):…
American football is a dangerous sport that has many risks to it. Football players know these risks but still play the sport. There is many risks to playing football especially in the NFL which means National Football League. Many of the injuries football players have are to the head.…