Two Tips – 1. Choose topics you know well when writing this type of essays. 2. Make sure you break down your topic at least three different ways.…
The topic I chose was the struggles Holden had to go through because of his rebellious attitude, but the way he found happiness not in money or success, but real life experiences. I think this is a good topic because it’s really the message I got from the book. That some people aren’t the same as regular teenagers that desire success in school and to have a big career. Holden goes through a journey of real life experiences to really find himself.…
The topic which I have selected is McCarthyism and Salem witch trials. Basically we will see what are the similar things between them are and what things differentiate them from each other and also the impacts of these on the people who were actually innocent.…
Select any one of the following to discuss in an essay (identify the chosen topic on your essay, please. Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out.)…
Football over the Years Everything changes over time, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, and others you can’t really tell it has changed at all but in football you can easily tell the changes it has been through over the years. While all sports have changed over the years football seems to have changed the most dramatically from rules, equipment, stadium and even in the way we watch football today. When American football was born it was an all-white sport played with hardly no equipment for protection except for a leather helmet to protect your head, the game was played on hard dirt and as you can expect, injuries were constant and some deaths even occurred from the brutal hits and the missing component of protection equipment.…
The first topic I chose was the Civil Rights Act of 1866. This act was so important because this was the first law to define citizenship in the United States. It changed America because this act declared that all person born in the United States except Native Americans are citizens.…
On the second page and in the fourth paragraph, you recommend giving marijuana to kids underweight with AIDS to help increase their appetite and relieve the stress of pain. You should never mention kids and smoking because it would have a very negative effect on the crowd, especially parents, no matter how strong the argument is. You aimed towards pathos but it was not the best topic.…
What significant aspect of your subject represents or symbolizes an important value in our own lives? Maybe it will help if you ask yourself the basic who, when, what where, why and how questions about your subject.…
Football has impacted our society in many ways. From the early ages in history to present day, sports have had a major impact on society. Football is a very popular sport played in America and many other countries. But not all of the impact that football has brought on society is positive. A lot of the impact is negative. The Superbowl is held on Sundays so most of the people spend their time in front of the t.v. instead of going to church. Domestic violence rises dramadicly after the super bowl. And it has given many people gambling addictions. Sports in society today have had a great impact.…
The topic that I picked is homosexuality in black America. "Homosexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender." In black America being homosexual as an African American man you are faced with alot of risk factors. You are unequally effected by HIV, "Black churches may be a source of stigma which can exacerbate HIV risk and contribute to negative health and physological behavior." For centuries the church has been at the center of the black community. During times of struggle, African Americans tend to fall back on the doctrine that was given to us many years ago. While still illiterate, people of color were taught to blindly have faith in God. This created a natural connection and…
The topic I chose was very controversial because it is about a woman actually going beyond what others thought and getting a medical degree. Usually men are the only ones to get those types of degrees, but Elizabeth Blackwell wanted to achieve more than she possibly could. She also became the first woman to be on the UK Medical Register which is a big deal for back in the day. When she came to America, she knew something was going to be big in her life and when it happened it changed the whole country.…
American football as we know it originated from rugby played in Britain in the mid-19th century. The person who Americans consider the “Father of American Football” is Walter Camp. Professional football can be traced back to 1982, when there was a $500 contract for the Allegheny Athletic Association and the Pittsburgh Athletic Club to play a game against each other. Originally football was primarily a sport of the Midwestern industrial towns in the United State. In 1902, the American Professional Football Association was formed and two years later the National Football League. The competition was fierce between the two leagues, which led the two leagues to merge. Football eventually became national. When the two leagues merged is when…
All of the topics have been relevant, significant, and interesting. If I had to pick one topic that was the “hardest” for me it would be gay marriage. This is because my only and older brother recently told me that he is gay. He shared this news with me about four months ago. It was not the most surprising news but I am still figuring out and learning what its like to have a gay brother. Over the past four months he has been telling family members and friends at times that have been available. Learning about gay marriage hit me on a more personal level since it affects my brother, myself and family. I have always been a strong supporter for gay rights and marriage for as long as I can remember. The scientific purpose of marriage is to procreate and raise children but not all people get married because their priority in life is to have children. Many people get married with no intention to have children and just because they are in love and want to share the rest of their lives together. There are millions of children who are in need of families and allowing gay marriage is letting more options of couples raise and take care of these children in need of families. “Some same-sex couples argue that they want to marry for the same reasons that many opposite-sex couples do. But the personal reasons why any one individual couple chooses to marry are also not the primary concern of…
Unfortunately, many students write well but have the most difficult time discovering a topic that interests them. If they're interested in writing about school-related topics, maybe one of these topics will catch their eye. Of course, students can also write about environmental, political, or legal issues as well. The point is to find a topic with two clear sides that can be debated. Once the topic is chosen, the student can begin arguing his side of the topic.…
Football is my favorite sport. It has taught me a lot of things in life. Without football during football season I would be very bored. Football has made me stronger. Football has made my life a more fun. Football has changed my life.…