“Did you hear about Melody and Tristan going to prom together? He asked her out yesterday,” James uttered, with a salom expression. Melody was James’s ex girlfriend. They’ve been broken up for about a month now. I think this is cruel of her to go …show more content…
I quickly make my way upstairs not wanting to be bothered with his …show more content…
I stand and walk over to the left side of my room to look in the mirror on my wall. I run my fingers through my hair and try to think of a new hairstyle to please my father but multiple shiny gold trophies catch my attention. They bring back memories of everyone at Brookwood High cheering “Francisco, Francisco, Francisco,” every time I walked onto the field, but that’s all over now. Ever since my ‘father’ told coach to not let me play. My main priority is to just get into an Ivy League college and get as far away from my father as possible. I've maintained a 4.0 GPA all through out my last three years of high school. I’m sure i’ll get at least one scholarship. Soon I find myself dozing off to sleep after my long day.
The next day I wake up and get spiffy for my day at school. I fix my curly dark brown hair. I’ve decided i’m going to send my transcript to five different Ivy League schools. Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Harvard University, and Yale University. I really hope I get into Yale, but i’ll be satisfied with any other. I’m also going to apply for other colleges just to be safe.
“Beep, Beep, Beep,” the sound of my phone draws my attention from my hair. An unknown number is calling, I just reject it not wanting to put up with people's’ idiotic prank calls.
“Beep, Beep,