Equipment use amongst football and rugby players is different. In the NFL they’re main concern in football is safety. Football players use a helmet, hip pads, thigh pads, a tail pad, shoulder pads, and knee pads to protect players who have a size disadvantage. Also the use of pads and helmet enables a football player to take big hits and not be as damaged if they didn't have a helmet at all. The risk still remains to get injured seriously, but not as likely to occur. The equipment in rugby is meant for quicker movement and provides little protection. Rugby uses no pads except a helmet if they so choose. When hit there is nothing to absorb the shock making it harder to recover. There are a lot of injuries which occur in both sports, but rugby has a higher risk. In addition to football being a safer sport it pays better as well. In other words Rugby is a more dangerous choice for a profession over football without the main benefits.
The rules in football and rugby are more different than similar. In football after being tackled the offense has 45 seconds to pick a play, hike the ball, and attempt to score a touchdown. In football's point system a touchdown is worth six points, a field goal is worth three points, a safety is worth two points, which tackling the offense behind the defense's goal line, or two point conversion and one point for an extra point otherwise known as P.A.T., point after touchdown. After being tackled a rugby player has several options: running with the ball until downed or until there is another chance to pass the ball, kicking the ball