10 October 2014
Soccer and Football are two very different yet popular sports in different parts of the world. In the world Soccer is considered the most popular sport but in the US the most popular sport is Football. So when thinking of Football we think of the NFL but there are only 5 countries in the world that call it Soccer. While the sports are somewhat alike, they carry major differences that make them both unique. One of the major differences is that in football you need to know everything from what it means when the ref throws the yellow flag and then you need to know what the red flag means, but they both have several different meanings. While in soccer when the referee gives someone a yellow card it means they committed some foul and that they got a warning for it, while the red card means that you are going to be sent off because it’s either your second yellow or you had a blatant foul. Along with the flags in football the referees have many different hand signals that you need know because if you don’t know them you wont know what type of foul was just committed and then you wont know why they are moving the ball without there being a play. In soccer the only “hand signal” is when one of the players is offside-when the defensive player is in front of an offensive player- so the line judge raises a flag to signal this. The effort that is exerted is one other major difference because in football if you get tired you can be subbed off for one play while in soccer once your subbed off you aren’t allowed to go back on. Not only that but if football you are an offensive player or a defensive player so when your team is not in your specialty you are off the field resting. In soccer you classified by where you stand on the pitch so a midfielder, forward, striker, goalkeeper but while you are classified as that they still have to be able to play all of the field you are just required to keep your area safe. So while playing soccer