I felt that the most important aspect of this case is the history that has been with Bangladesh, and the major political turmoil it has seen in a very short period of time. In 1947 the government transitioned from British-ruled to that of a providence of Pakistan, which became known as East Pakistan. Although they had independence, they always felt disconnect and that they were underrepresented in the government. In the early 1970’s, they gained their independence with the help of India and became known as the country of Bangladesh. The country has continued to remain split with many political groups fighting for power to overthrow leadership. Many of the parties were linked to opposition newspapers, which promote their political positions. I identified these facts as being very important to the incident that happened on Thursday, June 22, 1989.
Key Issues
There are several major obstacles that John Carlson must sort through in a very small window of time. There are clearly some misconceptions on the part of the opposition newspaper. In my opinion, John must do his best to mitigate the misunderstandings and wrong facts that were presented to the Muslim nation. I also believe the situation is very serious because religion and culture are very sensitive subjects to people of any civilization. Also, youth groups stated that they were even willing to risk their lives to protect their religion. It is also very concerning to John personally that criminal charges were brought forth to him and several key staff members at Footwear Bangladesh.
U.S Similarities and Differences with Bangladesh
Aside from the obvious historical differences in civilizations of the United States versus Bangladesh, there are many cultural distinctions as well. According to facts obtained from www.everyculture.com, Bangladesh is the most densely populated non-island nation in the world, which make land tenure and property rights critical aspects of survival. Since it is a