Both “For 7515-03296” and “Army of Music” have their characters’ suffering derived from themselves or others being negatively affected by World War II. The lines “Summer’s coming, so is Hitler” (25) (“Army of Music”) and “distinguished graduate from Auschwitz” (3) (“For 7515-03296”) allow us to see who or what first caused their suffering. The narrators of both poems are portrayed in very similar situations; they are viewing someone they love suffering, which adds to and or sparks their own suffering. The line from “Army of Music”, “Loving a soldier is heard, / he cannot hear …show more content…
In “For 7515-03296” the most prominent emotion is anger: “I curse without ceasing ... / and feel my loathing for mankind grow...” (17/18). In “Army of Music” the the tone is much more matter-o-fact then “For 7515-03296”: “The gunshots fire early / daybreak bruising my bruising my eardrums” (2/3). The two tones add to the overall atmosphere of the characters’ suffering, and allow the reader to see how the narrator is dealing with their suffering. In “For 7515-03296” the narrator has chosen a path of anger and has chosen to loath mankind in order to cope with his suffering: “[I] feel my loathing for mankind grow as vast as the sea” (18). “Army of Music[‘s]” tone is much more tragic, for a matter-o-fact tone quite often means the character in the poem has given up. The narrator reveals that “God / cannot save [her]” (18/19), which only reassures the idea that she has given up hope. “Army of Music” portrays its suffering in a much more depressing and fearful manner than “For