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For Teaching Foreign Language

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For Teaching Foreign Language
We has a lot of linguistic knowledge about English. But it is a fact that many korean English speaking users can't use enough actual linguistic knowledge about English in the communicative situation. Even though we invest too much in teaching English, why do not we improve our ability to use English as expected? Today’s lesson was about the human brain associated with language skills, suitable environment for foreign language learners, discussion concerning an early-childhood English education and so on. And then I thought about it when I become a teacher how to teach English to children. First, good quality of language stimulation should be provided to language learners for making fluent communication skills. I think that the focus on methods of teaching language is to know the language level of each student. And a teacher select the language stimulation appropriate to the level. At this point, it is important that a teacher must not choose too high-level or low-level of education to students. In other words, teachers will have to create the optimal environment for effective learning. Second, the human brain and language skills are closely related to each other. According to the study, learning the language are more efficient during the critical period of brain which means that it is time to form actively human's brain development). The critical period of human brain is the ages from 4 to 6. Therefore this means that the earlier we study English, the better we use English. And for this reason, I think that an early-childhood English education (especially elementary English education) need to be strengthened. However, the most important thing of all is an attitude of mind. It is very significant to keep a positive mind and self-confidence while using English. As I said last week, we never be afraid of failing. I think that everything is born of failure and efforts. If we learn to enjoy within those, we will find the true meaning of learning.

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