Stephenie Meyer
Great Britain 2006
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer 2006 is the very recognisable fictional Vampire sensation that has swept the world in the past few years. Unless you live in a mountain cave or under a rock I am sure you have heard of this novel in some form or other. Are you or will you be (after reading this novel) “Team Edward or Team Jacob”? Twilight is the story of 17 year old Bella Swan who chooses to live with her dad in the dreary town of Forks, Olympic Peninsula, Washington State, America. “Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds”. (p. 3) Bella becomes obsessed and is determined to unearth Edwards’s true identity so she sets off on a lone course of discovery and encounters many complications. This is the story of forbidden love between two people depicted by the apple on the front cover representing the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. This story unfolds to an entertaining and intriguing tale that keeps you captivated with every turn of the page.
I recommend this book because Meyer has put a completely new spin on an old and terrifying genre. She has taken the traditional vampire from being a feared, blood sucking, neck biting, fanged, cape wearing, coffin sleeping, creature of the night, and transformed them into breathtakingly stunning individuals. Where sunlight causes the demise of conventional vampires by causing them to burst into flames and crumble in a heap of ashes, sunlight shows Twilights’ vampires to be astounding creatures of scintillating brilliance.
Another provocative layer in this story is the love triangle between Bella, Edward and Jacob, the human, vampire and wolf. The single most cause of millions of teens and tweens around the globe to decided wether they were Team Edward or Team Jacob! Something Twilight fans are very fervent about.
Fans of folktales that involve two of literatures best known enemies, vampires and werewolves and hoping for hostility between