
Force Continuum Analysis

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“Politics can’t change the human heart; theatre can”, Athol Fugard. In the recent years, much police misconduct and violence primarily towards African Americans has surfaced the front pages of newspapers in the United States. It has become a major issue for the society to work towards equality in regards to race, sexuality and sexuality among other aspects in the modern day. The play ‘Force Continuum’, as authored by Kia Corthron, tackles this major concern and challenge. As highlighted, the play revolves around what it means to be a police officer in the United States and their responsibility. The play focuses on Dece, a third generation African-American police officer, and his family in New York that encounters a variety of incidents throughout …show more content…

However there is a distinctive goal he tried to accomplish. The super objective for Flip is depicted as that of a “good” police officer. He indicated that he does not want to be misjudged by the people or seen as a stereotypical white police officer but he is too afraid and always reliant on force and violence. He is exposed numerous of times reaching for his right hip rather than this left hip where the pepper spray is stored. Furthermore, he does not want to hold accountability for any death or wrong doing. This is shown in scenes where he tried to do the “right” things but eventually pushed the responsibility to Dece. However, due to the death of Mrai, caused by Dece and himself, he was revealed as unable to comprehend and felt let down by himself. This led to his act of committing suicide due his inability not able contain …show more content…

Though across the play there was time where the actors would sound like they were unable to articulate therefore hard to understand what was said. Nevertheless, Flip was really able to portray what seems to be what white police officers encounter in the modern days with the spotlight on them observing each of their moves. They all desire to be the “good” police officers. However, in the United States, it seemed to be that officers’ natural instinct is to rely on violence. Overall the set and set change was nicely done with in regards to the space they used as they were able to fully make use of it to its potential. The rusty grey looks of the set and rap music during set changes really gave the sense that they are in the “ghetto”. In addition, the use of live gunshots towards the end of the play, as used to show the pay’s climax, was very powerful effect to the audience. They were really able to send out a strong message and feel of what had occurred. With what has happened in recent years in concerns with police violence in the U.S., I would be curious and anxious to hear comments from the local police officers in regard to the

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