1. Introduction/Synopsis
Through the 33 accidents with 27 injuries and 4 death because of tire separation Ford and Firestone were recalling 6.5 million tires mainly used on Ford Explorers.
The crisis shifted from a product flaw to a safety concern voiced by public and owners of Ford vehicles. To save the upcoming crisis and to help maintain Ford's credibility and accountability PR firm Lucky7(L7) was hired. When crisis reached its climax under threat was 100-year partnership between Ford and Firestone.
Research/Evaluation(all that apply)
Research should be applied in public relations work both at the initial stage, prior to planning a campaign, and at the final stage to evaluate a program's effectiveness. Early research helps to determine the current situation, prevalent attitudes, and difficulties that the program faces. Later research examines the program's success, along with what else still need to be done. Research at both points are critical.
Establish clear program objectives and desire outcomes tied directly to business goals.
3. Primary Publics(all that apply)
supervisors, clerks, managers, stockholders, the board of directors
The press, government, costumers, suppliers, community
Stockholders, media, customers, suppliers, banks, insurance companies,
Investment community, managers/supervisors, special interest groups,
US community, dealers
International community, trade associations
Traditional employees, current costumers
Future potential customers, employees, stockholders
Lawyers, advocates
The uncommitеed
Regulators, legislators, NHTSA
4. SWOT Analysis(top 3 of each)
Long history since 1903
Present on a global markets
Strong engineering capability
Poor brand reputation
Poor quality control
Employee high turn over
Improve brand