E-Learning for Grade 6 in Mathematics
Our propose project which is E-Learning for grade school aims to provide interactive educational games that will tackle the basics of analysing, solving, and computing mathematical problems. This system offers the following teaching strategy tutorials, lectures, hands-on, and board-work.
This system contains a structure of computers in learning that focuses on the subject Mathematics for Grade 6. We are giving the proponents a set of lectures that will teach them the proper evaluation of the mathematical problem. They will have the activities that they will answer in the form of quiz bee and the scores that they will earn will be in the form of points. The player who will earn the most points will have the privileges of being the champion in the quiz and he will be waiting for his next contender which will be the next player. They will be
We propose this system in order to strengthen existing curricular and support meaningful, engaged learning for all students. To motivate learning to children through interactive or educational games. To improve their skills and knowledge in their educational fields. And to enhance the decision management of every individual.
Prepared By:
Karen Deecelo
Reymark Regalario
Kristine Mil Baynosa
Eric Odiame
Partido State University Institute of Information Technology Goa, Camarines Sur
We would like to propose as our I.T project the DSWD (LGU-TIGAON) SENIOR CITIZENS INFORMATION SYSTEM. The DSWD provide the