We have already discussed about the issues and problems regarding foreign workers in Malaysia, hence we need to overcome the problems in order to prevent it from affecting our country and making the condition even worse then it already is. Measures should be taken in order to overcome this condition.
Our first problem is language. Language has become a barrier for foreign workers to communicate with their employer and fellow employees. Hence, the best way to overcome this language barrier is to give basic Malay language training that should be provided by their employers so that every work order and aspects of safety is understood. Besides that, parties involved need to ensure that entrance of these foreign workers consist of workers that can read Malay or English language so that every work order is easily understood and also to overcome this language problem among non-Indonesian foreign workers. Another way is to conduct language courses for foreign workers to enable them to learn our language.
Furthermore, we also need to give proper training to the foreign workers that are employed so that they have the complete knowledge about their condition of work, the training given may consist on how to handle the machinery in the factories, training them to read and write as well because most of the foreign workers cannot read and write and that is what causes problems when dealing with foreign workers.
Also to overcome the complaints by the foreign workers, we need to protect the rights of foreign workers. Each foreign workers has the rights to:
Statutory benefits under the Employment Act 1955 such as payment of wages, hours of work, shift work, overtime work, rest day, rest day pay, paid holidays, annual leave, paid sick leave etc.
Social security coverage under the Workmen’s Compensation Act 1952.
Written contract of services stipulating the agreed terms and condition of employment
Legal remedy through the