When women and girls are denied the chance to fully contribute to society because of the violence or fear they face, our entire world suffers. Violence against women has been rooted back to more than 2000 years ago. Roman laws gave men full reign over women and were able to punish their wives and children with sticks or whips. In current culture it is still used for males to keep their dominant position over women. Over years many efforts both big and small have been made to improve governments’ responses to this human rights issue.
The International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA) is a major step in the effort to end violence against women and girls across the globe. It directs the US government to create a comprehensive, five-year strategy to reduce violence in up to 20 diverse countries identified as having severe levels of violence against women. The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women has been commemorated on November 25 for more than three decades. It’s a day each year when my colleagues and I focus on the courageous women we have met, the injustices they’ve suffered, and the hope they inspire.
Exposing this unfairness and pressuring the governments do make a difference but this is far from the end goal, but important progress however. The world may never really be completely changed for the better but every little bit does