Wildlife Crime:
A guide to the use of forensic and specialist techniques in the investigation of wildlife crime
March 2005
Wildlife Crime:
A guide to the use of forensic and specialist techniques in the investigation of wildlife crime
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
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Published by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
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PB 10582
Dear Colleague
The use of forensic and specialist techniques in the investigation of wildlife crime has increased dramatically during the last ten years, and has often played a critical role in securing convictions in a wide range of offences.
This book, the latest in the “Wildlife Crime” series published by the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on behalf of the Partnership for Action Against
Wildlife Crime (PAW), pulls together details of a range of cases where such techniques have been used. PAW encourages and promotes the use of a whole range of standard and non-standard techniques – this publication provides a central reference source and a host of practical advice and will, we believe, further encourage wildlife