In the story “The Landlady” a boy named Billy Weaver goes to a boarding home in Bath, England. Billy Weaver’s landlady is a strange woman who constantly wants him to drink her tea, which tastes like bitter almonds and she talks of her other guests in past tense. One example of foreshadowing in this story is the landlady’s tea; throughout the story she is trying him to drink as much tea as he can. Billy’s landlady says her other two guests are on the fourth floor, but when she talks about them she talk in past tense. This may be because she stuffed them, just like her parrot and dog. Some poisons are known for tasting like familiar foods. For example, Billy’s tea tastes like bitter almonds (7). Cyanide can have a bitter almond taste. This may be why the Landlady wants Billy to drink her tea. Therefore, the landlady might be poising Billy Weaver. Seeing coats and umbrellas in the hallways of boarding homes show that there are guest present and that means that the place is safe. When Billy looks he sees no coats, shoes, or umbrellas in the hallway (2). This could mean that there are no other guests. With no guests the landlady can freely poison Billy. However, the landlady does not make it obvious that she is trying to harm Billy. When people sign a guest book there are usually multiple names above theirs. Billy goes over to sign the guest book and realizes that there are only two other names in the book (2). This may mean that his landlady does not get very many guests. This may be because the landlady has a small sign for her business. So, Billy feels worried about the amount of guests
In the story “The Landlady” a boy named Billy Weaver goes to a boarding home in Bath, England. Billy Weaver’s landlady is a strange woman who constantly wants him to drink her tea, which tastes like bitter almonds and she talks of her other guests in past tense. One example of foreshadowing in this story is the landlady’s tea; throughout the story she is trying him to drink as much tea as he can. Billy’s landlady says her other two guests are on the fourth floor, but when she talks about them she talk in past tense. This may be because she stuffed them, just like her parrot and dog. Some poisons are known for tasting like familiar foods. For example, Billy’s tea tastes like bitter almonds (7). Cyanide can have a bitter almond taste. This may be why the Landlady wants Billy to drink her tea. Therefore, the landlady might be poising Billy Weaver. Seeing coats and umbrellas in the hallways of boarding homes show that there are guest present and that means that the place is safe. When Billy looks he sees no coats, shoes, or umbrellas in the hallway (2). This could mean that there are no other guests. With no guests the landlady can freely poison Billy. However, the landlady does not make it obvious that she is trying to harm Billy. When people sign a guest book there are usually multiple names above theirs. Billy goes over to sign the guest book and realizes that there are only two other names in the book (2). This may mean that his landlady does not get very many guests. This may be because the landlady has a small sign for her business. So, Billy feels worried about the amount of guests