It is instead vampire Javier Vachon who was killed in the next to last episode of the series by a vampiress who had the appearance of a …show more content…
He was also the one responsible for turning Nick Knight into a vampire back in A.D. 1228. Knight eventually came to feel ashamed of being a vampire and sought to atone for his evil deeds. As a result, he became a detective in the Toronto Police Department. Detective Tracy Vetter was both a human friend of Vachon as well as
Nick Knight's partner. Vetter lost her life in the very last episode trying to defend Knight from a gunman. She had no idea that he was a vampire until just before she perished. In that same episode, Nick's immoral relationship with forensic pathologist Natalie Lambert results in her losing so much blood, she died. Overcome with grief, he begged LaCroix to kill him since he felt that he could no longer bear to be a member of the undead. In the final scene of the Forever Knight TV series, we see Nick crying over Natalie's dead body as LaCroix was preparing to drive a wooden stake through his heart. Given the unsatisfying way that the series ended, one can see why the fans have sought to keep the story alive in their own