The Rise of the West: Scholars tried to explain why political & economic power was concentrated in the hands of Western States (Western Europe & the US). Debates between the two got heated because it concerned the present the future as much as it did the past.
A.On one side; Cultural Approach: were those who congratulated today’s winners in the global economy by arguing that the rich were wealthy because they had the most virtuous social, economic, and political institutions. The rich are rich because they have a culture that supports success. The Culturalist see the cause of poverty as a behavior of the poor the poor are themselves primarily responsible for improving their position, (offers comfort to those already enjoying economic success?
B.On other side: Global Historical Approach: argued that Western success was accidental and temporary, built upon force and expropriation as much as any positive cultural attributes. Stresses the role of other civilizations. Global Historicist sees poverty as a result of the relationship between the poor and the rich. The system of political and economic relations must be changed to create greater equity (urges mobilization and change)
Investigation begins in 1400’s when Spanish adventurers forcefully integrated sections of the Americas into an intercontinental economy that already linked parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. This was a period when the major regional economies in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas were brought into increased contact through the persistence of the European Expansionism beginning of the first truly worldwide or global economy.
Paragraph 2: Key political, economic, and socio cultural developments between the 1400-1800. 1.Cultural Interaction-Voyages of exploration brought the world closer together and promoted the spread of ideas,