6. Study part of the map extract shown below.
The drainage pattern formed by the streams in the area is A. Dendrite B. Radial C. Rectangular D. Trellis 7. What is the average gradient along the wide tarred road from the spot height 1068 in grid square 8078 to the trigonometrical station 296/T 1105.0 in grid square 8278? A. 1:10 B. 1:57 C. 1:70 D. 1:87 8. The settlement pattern in grid squares 7667, 8478 and 8483 is best described as A. Haphazard B. Linear C. Nucleated D. Radial 9. The area between Eastings 72 and 76 and Northings 66 and 69 is mainly used for A. Mining and cultivation B. Mining and administration C. Mining and forestry D. Mining and recreation
10. What is dominant natural vegetation in grid square 7979? A. Bushland B. Forest C. Open grassland D. Wooded grassland 11. In grid square 7074, the ‘other road’ passes through a A. Col B. Gap C. Gorge D. Valley 12. Which of the following functions in Masvingo is found in grid square 7379? A. Administration B. Industry