“On Being Wrong” & “Is Google Making Us Stupid”
University of Cincinnati
ESL 1080 002
Mrs. Colvin
Xiang Zhang
Due: Mar. 28 2013
Summary of “On Being Wrong”
In the video “On being wrong” (2011), Kathryn Schulz states that our feeling of being right can be a problem to human being, so it is necessary for us to avoid this wrong feeling. At the beginning, Schulz talks about her personal experience about misunderstanding. She explains that error blindness and culture are the two reasons why we get stuck inside the feeling of being right. And, Schulz points out that there are three unfortunate assumptions when someone disagrees with us: “The Ignorance Assumption”, “The Idiocy Assumption” and “The Evil Assumption”. (Schulz 2011) All of these ideas may cause problems to human being. Finally, Schulz mentions that people need to step outside of the rightness in order to rediscover wonder. In this speech “On being wrong”, Kathryn Schulz claims that being wrong is a kind of human nature to us, therefore we should treat mistake in an easy way in our lives. Just like the famous thing St. Augustine wrote: “I err therefore I am. (Schulz 2011)
Summary of “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”
In “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” (2010) published in the Atlantic, Nicholas Carr discusses the influence that Google brought to human being. Due to the formidable function of internet, people are gradually distracting, understanding less, remember less and learning less. Carr claims that multiple people are prefer to skimming writing pieces rather than reading the whole article. Carr also mentions that the internet not only has a huge influence on the edges of a computer screen, but also has an impact on traditional media. At the Google’s headquarters, they are looking for “the perfect search engine” that can “understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what you want” (Carr 2010). However, all of these are actually not real for people. Although
References: 1. Schulz, Kathryn. (2011). “On Being Wrong” Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/kathryn_schulz_on_being_wrong.html 2. Nicholas Carr. (2008). “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” The Atlantic Monthly Group. Retrieved from http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/07/is-google-making-us-stupid/306868/