An employment-at-will relationship where there is no contractual obligation to remain in the relationship; either party may terminate the relationship at any time, for any reason, as long as the reason is not prohibited by law (Bennett-Alexander & Hartman (2007)) The company I work at has a disclaimer in the employee handbook and firings are justified through the discipline procedures outlined in the employee handbook. Underneath the disclaimer there is a space for employee to sign and date. Each year a new signature is required. We choose not to invoke or use employment-at-will because it does not foster trust in the employer- employee relationship. We do abide by USERRA. Everyone one is treated with respect and the last firing was back in 2000. To avoid layoffs the company hires subcontractors for a period of four months during the busy season. The company cross-train all employees are in every department to help with retention. The company has more than 100 employees and during busy season the company hires additional 50 – 75 subcontractors. Every manager should be required to know and apply employment-at-will, other state, and federal laws to protect the interests of the company and the manager.
2. What are specific examples of roles that are filled by employees and others that are filled by independent contractors? Use examples from your employer, industry, or an employer or industry with which you are familiar. What do the employees and independent contractors have in common and how do they differ in dealing with employers? How might temporary employees be characterized in the organization or industry you select?
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