Former Microsoft Executive, Robbie Bach received a generous applause from approximately a thousand people at Tuesday night’s Bo Forum.
Bach’s speech, which is titled, “Privacy at Risk: Challenges to protecting Personal Identity and Data”, gave very strong insight on keeping ones private information private.
Bach worked as a strongly influential leader in the making of the Xbox, and the Xbox 360. Robbie Bach also had a large influence on the expansion of Microsoft Office. Bach’s knowledge and experience with Microsoft were on full display as he presented the crowed with new and effective policy styles that works with the present age of technology and Mass information.
Bach began his lecture by alarming a much focused audience with a shocking fact: 87% of people can be identified with their birthdate, gender, and zip code. Just like that , Bach had all of the attention of the crowed ; they listened as Bach discussed current and past issues relating to privacy.
Bach drew a great deal of laughter from the audience when he asked, “Does anyone ever actually read the terms of agreement list, or do they just skip to the bottom and check yes?” Though a few were raised, the majority of hands in the Elman Center stayed down. With sarcasm in his voice, Bach went on to say “Well at least there are a few brave souls out there”.
As the humorous yet great educational lecture continued, Bach discussed matters of cloud spacing and data, while continuing to emphasis security and safety advancements. While he was out to educate, Bach did not hesitate to attempt to change a biased mind or two while teaching. While discussing GPS technology Bach stated, “We tend to focus on the negative aspects of tracking devices but without data collection, we would not be where we are today”. Bach paused and gave the audience time to think about a commonly overlooked benefit of tracking devices and data collection. Bach concluded his lesson on GPS