Forms of tourism can be discussed in terms of the displacement of persons within certain conditions. These trips always take the visitors outside their usual environment, but might take them also outside their country of residence into another economy. Forms of tourism can also be discussed in terms of the different types of tourism in a particular country, i.e. ecotourism, sports tourism, health tourism, etc.
In economic measurement, countries are usually interested in looking separately at effects whether they occur on their soil or within other economies. This issue is particularly relevant in the case of tourism which by nature supposes that individuals displace from one place to another.
In order to make this analysis possible, it has been necessary to develop concepts which associate tourism and its activities with the residence of the individual taking the trip, that is, developing his/her tourism activities, and the place where these activities occur.
It is what is meant by this series of definitions relating to what are called the "forms of tourism" and are relatively outspoken:
Domestic tourism: is the tourism of resident visitors within the economic territory of the country of reference.
Inbound tourism: is the tourism of non-resident visitors within the economic territory of the country of reference.
Outbound tourism: is the tourism of resident visitors outside the economic territory of the country of reference.
Internal tourism: is the tourism, of both resident and non-resident visitors, within the economic territory of the country of reference.
National tourism: is the tourism of resident visitors, within and outside the economic territory of the country of reference.
The relationships which exist between the different forms of tourism is shown in the diagram below:
Internal tourism is the sum of domestic tourism and of inbound tourism;