Globalization has obviously transformed the contours of international relations now days. In globalization era, the countries are easily to build their relation with others, including in term of cooperation, both regionally and globally. The liberalization of world trade and the development of the phenomenon of regional integration grouping lead to the economic interdependence between countries.
Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC), which was established in 1999, is an inter-governmental cooperation forum that integrated two regions to reach common interest. FEALAC become an important institution because it connects the region that currently the countries are experiencing economic growth and stable. Indonesia, as a member, considered FEALAC as a crucial instrument to reach its national interest and also as bridge connecting to the countries in Latin America as a promising market.
Research Question: From introduction above, the come up research question is what are the roles of Indonesia in Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation and its implication toward Indonesian bilateral cooperation?
Liberal institution theory claims that international institutions and organizations can increase and assist cooperation between states in maintaining peace. Liberal institutionalists believe that cooperation between states can and should be organized and formalized in institutions. Institution in this sense means the sets of rules which govern state behavior in specific policy areas, such as the Law of the Sea. According to Keohane and Nye, even in anarchic system of autonomous rational states, cooperation can emerge through the building of norms, regimes and institution.1
Liberal institutionalists believe international relations need not be a
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