'The Real Scriptures' of God are from the Catholic & Orthodox churches & the ancient Orthodox Jews who all have to be considered together and separately in order to produce what is the ‘Word of God’. Some scriptures were hidden like the Apocrypha but then ordered out of circulation away from churches even sometimes as "Not suitable for children or young adults" or “not suitable for Sunday Services” which include 'the whole family' that is women and children may be offended. This includes the less accepted hidden scriptures called the 'Apocrypha' or 'Antilegomena' even parts of the Pseudepigrapha which are accepted by some Christian churches but not others. We have to see what all the other Christians claim as the Word of God before we reject any scripture as some scriptures are hidden in the western world because they are classified and put in the ‘too hard basket’ and labeled “not in the canon of scripture” or "under a curse" without intelligent reason and cannot be seen by the general public because they were deliberately hidden from the public; Jesus Christ only gives credence to the Psalms and the writings of the prophets because as He said they speak of Him and so it is the truth about Him according to Jesus Christ. Some writings of prophets are harsh on royalty and clearly were hidden away and so are not addressed by intelligent people as to whether they are part of ‘the real scriptures’ though they may have the truth from God but not as much of it as some people. Some hide writings of Baruch & Enoch psalms of kings and even a letter of Jeremiah and also refuse to acknowledge ‘Jasher’.
The Editor of these works