Right now, creating an excess amount of CO2 has had a significant impact on our environment. One of the biggest concerns in environmental science is that we are releasing too many greenhouses gases into our atmosphere which is heating up our plant. One of the main greenhouse gases we are concerned about is CO2. Although alka seltzer created CO2 gas, alka seltzer it not probably the problem because it is used in very small amount. However, many other reactions create CO2 as a byproduct, which is concerning. The combustion of fossil fuels to create energy is like the alka seltzer experiment, much on a much larger scale. The burning of fossil fuels creates huge amounts of CO2, which is very detrimental to our environment. Over time the excess creation of greenhouse gases, like CO2, will have large repercussions on our…
Fossil fuels are currently the most widely used source of nonrenewable energy in today’s society. These sources of energy are used to generate power for both commercial and personal use in a number of different ways. “In 2005, more than 3/4 of total world energy consumption was through the use of fossil fuels.” (Environmental Literacy Council, 2008) Oil, the leading energy resource depended upon to fuel everyday functions produces 43.4 % of our world’s energy. Natural Gas, the second most relied upon resource produces 15.6 % of the world’s energy followed by coal, which produces 8.3 % of the world’s energy. Unsurprisingly, North America is the number one consumer of nonrenewable energy resources, consuming approximately 25 % of the fossil fuels extracted from the earth. (Environmental Literacy Council, 2008)…
Consider the following information: Every time we use fossil fuels, we release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Fuel must be burned to extract oil from the ground and process it; and then more fuel must be burned just to transport the fuel to where we buy it! Scientists believe that it is carbon dioxide emissions that are responsible for climate change, specifically the global warming effect.…
So what does the use of fossil fuels have to do with me? Let’s examine a more holistic view of what is happening now, what has happened in the past to get us here, and where all of this will take us in the future.…
Almost everything human’s use require a form of energy. Unfortunately, fossil fuel is the source of energy we use to sustain ourselves. Fossil fuels emit large quantities of greenhouse gas, which increases the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.…
Carbon dioxide (CO2) o Colorless and odorless o 93% of CO2 naturally-‐occurring – 7% from human activity (burning of fossil fuels, clearing forest/grasslands) o Only recently has CO2 been considered a pollutant as growing levels threaten the earth’s climate 2) Nitrogen oxides and nitric acid • NO (nitric oxide) – colorless gas -‐-‐ forms during combustion o Sources: 89% natural / 11% human • NO reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2) – reddish-‐brown gas • NO and NO2 known as nitrogen oxides (NOx) – play a role in formation of photochemical smog • NOx impacts respiratory functions (asthma and bronchitis) • Some NO2 reacts with water vapor to form nitric acid (HNO3) à component of acid deposition • N2O (nitrous oxide) is a GHG emitted from fertilizers and animal waste 3) Sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid • Sulfur dioxide – colorless and strong odor o Sources: 30% natural sources / 70% human (coal-‐fired power and industrial plants; smelting, oil refining) o Impacts: visibility, damage to metals/paints; respiratory problems • SO2 converted into droplets of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and particles of sulfate – return to earth as acid deposition 4) Particulates • “Particulate matter” (PM) – solid particles or liquid droplets small and light enough to remain suspended in air • PM 10 and PM 2.5 (microns) o Sources: 60% natural sources and 40% human (coal burning and industrial plants, motor vehicles) – diesel engines! o Impacts: Lung damage, respiratory issues, reproductive problems, cancer § Children very susceptible – why? 5)…
1. Select a fossil fuel. How is this fossil fuel used? What are the adverse effects on the environment?…
Every day we read about gas explosions, car fires, and many other accidents in which fossil fuels were at least contributors. We hardly notice the deaths from cancer and lung disease caused by pollutants from burning fossil fuels.…
Combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas in power plants, automobiles and industrial facilities.…
Through out the history of the United states the main source of energy has been conventional Oil, Coal, and gas energy, or better known as Conventional petroleum energy. However as the demand for electricity sky rockets the pollution produced from the traditional fossil fuel burning plants is reaching dangerous levels. Gas, coal and oil burning power plants are as of now responsible for half of America’s air pollution (tripod/online). Not to mention fossil fuels are the greatest contributors to global warming in today’s society.…
fossil fuel combustion– has increased carbon dioxide concentrations from °280 to 355 mL/L since 1800; the increase is unique, at least in the past 160 000 yr, and several lines of evidence demonstrate unequivocally that it is human—causedRead More: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.2307/1941591…
A fossil fuel is a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms. There are many environmental and economic costs behind the exploration of fossil fuels, and as demand is ever increasing, these costs in turn are multiplying.…
“Unfortunately, the process involved in using the fuels released fumes into the air that are harming the planet.” Since fossil fuels are not a renewable source it will eventually run out. “In 1987 the United Nations said that we should aim for sustainable energy.” Meaning countries should start developing sources of energy that will never run out or harm the planet. “Fossil fuel power plants burn oil, coal, or natural gas.“That heat produced is used to turn water into steam.” “The steam powers machines called turbines, and the turbines then power generations that produce electricity.” However burning fossil fuels also releases harmful substances into the air, such as oxides says Vic. “These oxides mix with water vapor and fall to earth as acid rain,” which is harmful to the…
Microscopic particles generated by fossil fuels enter our body directly through the nose into the brain.…
Energy is an important part of our everyday lives. Energy can come in many different types, and forms it can be used for many different purposes. Energy has many different usages and can be converted from one form of usage to another form of usage depending on what the need is. One form of energy conversion is the use of food to supply people 's bodies with energy. Another form of energy is how coal is converted into electricity. Fuel is another form of energy that can be used for many different usages as well. Fuel is used for much different reason such as allowing our cars to function and our lawnmowers to cut grass. There are many different reasons why people use energy in the many different ways that we use it. Even though people rely on energy usage, some of the forms of energy we use are very harmful to the environment and even dangerous to ourselves. The harmful and dangerous fuels that we use can be changed to alternative methods of energy usage. There are two different types of alternative energy, which is known as renewable energy. Renewable energy is very resourceful and is able to be used because it is all around us there will not be a shortage of material and it is safer on every living thing and being. Energy and fuel usage just like everything else in the world has its advantages and disadvantages about using it. We must collectivity figure out which source of energy is right for everyone but for now we will find out which is best to use in your area.…