Essentially, the body undergoes the process of individualization by molding it on an individual (micro) level, to whatever status quo or normative value the subjugators operate on. At the same time, the idea of totalization revolves around taking this process of molding the body and enforcing it en masse throughout society (macro). The examples Foucault use to demonstrate this is the idea of objectification, whether it be through science as a means of conforming people as a statistic or objectifying someone as a sexual …show more content…
This goes back to Foucault’s very deliberate statement in which he separates institutional exercise of power from the institution. Interestingly, Foucault focuses on how this improper use stems from Christian traditions and the idea of “pastoral power”, in which the Church exercised the authority to command and manipulate truth to its followers. Foucault claims that this pastoral power has been modified and adopted by Western governments by dictating what the truth is through laws and essentially, governmental overreach. These claims are defining statements for Foucault’s work in this