The prison system is a topic that is widely debated. Many are either for or against how they are ran. Though I am only an observer; I have no ties to the prison system. I do agree with many points that Wilbert Rideau made in his original article.…
In Michel Foucault’s Discipline and Punish, he states that “[a] real subjection is born mechanically from a fictitious relation” (202). Real is the idea that something is fixed, permanent, and immovable. Fictitious’ however, is something that is not real or true. He that is exposed to the understanding of his actions and accepts the accountability to act spontaneously under the constraints of his own power becomes a standard to his own exposure. Basically, explaining that if you fake something as small as it may be could cause the outcome to be painstakingly real. That is, to say the gaze of those observing us is a chiasmus. Chiasmus is a verbal pattern where the second half of an expression is composed against the first with revised elements.…
This was a signifier of the important influence for new techniques of disciplinary technology which lead to surveillance. Foucault wrote a book ‘Discipline and Punish’, where he used Bentham’s design as an argument of knowledge and power. “The panopticon brings together power, control of the body, control of groups and knowledge (The inmate is observed and examined systematically in his cell).” [1]Foucault explains the use of the panopticon, the controller from the middle tower is able to see the individual inmates in their cells. He later in his book goes on to say, “The Panopticon is a marvellous machine which, whatever use one may wish to put it to, produces homogeneous effects of power.”[2, page 202] What he meant by this is, where ever you put the panopticon to use it can be in prison or in schools, the power will act in a certain way within it. Each person who is held within it, are constantly in the watchful eyes of the observer and are kept isolated. The reason why it is marvellous is because the concept is unusual as well as clever, whereby one single person is able to overpower many…
The idea in Panopticism is to convince society that their actions are monitored by others. Foucault’s point is that “power should be visible and unverifiable.Visible: the inmate will constantly have before his eyes the tall outline of the central tower from which he is spied upon. Unverifiable: the inmate must never know whether he is being looked at at any one moment; but he must be sure that he may always be so” (320). The Panopticon should make people believe they can never verify if someone is watching them, and so they portray themselves as authority wants. While this may contribute to most institutions involving surveillance systems in society, in Nurse Ratched’s ward she is not hidden from the patients. All day long, Nurse Ratched sits behind glass in her nurse’s station, observing the patients: “The Big Nurse looks out through her special glass, always polished till you can’t tell it’s there, and nods at what she sees” (29). The nurse is entirely visible through the glass to patients, and they understand they are being watched by her, and will be given repercussions if they choose to go against her. Further, they specifically know who is watching them. There is no confusion or curiosity as to who is observing; they know Nurse Ratched, understand her personality, and…
Foucault writes of the panopticon, “It is an important mechanism for it automatizes and dis-individualizes power. Power has its principle not so much in a person as in a certain concerted distribution of bodies, surfaces, lights, gazes: in an arrangement whose internal mechanisms produce the relation in which individuals are caught up”(202). Bentham attempts to make the panopticon comparable to a living thing, greater than the individual human, through its all encompassing nature, much like Big Brother in 1984. Foucault’s quote from the Panopticon coincides well with the examination of power in 1984, demonstrating the taciturn power that Big Brother holds over the…
This idea is based on a drawing of a prison by J. Bentham; the prison is set up in a circular building with isolated cells, while a central tower in the middle houses guards who are able to watch the prisoners’ every move. However, because of the set-up, inmates can never see the guards. This causes a psychological, rather than physical, effect on them. Foucault believes this concept can be applied to modern society, as people are watched by cameras, monitored by the government, and warned by menacing signs. By letting people in society know they are being watched, it can influence their behavior. Therefore, Foucault states that these techniques guarantee control. But, Foucault states that this authority does not have to be a specific figure in society; just the mere idea of “unverifiable” (320) authority gives them power. Foucault creates this theory and applies it to modern day society, and how our heightened control by others is due to this idea of control. While prisons are strongly accustomed to a “Panopticon-like” setting, institutions today such as schools or stores use part of Foucault’s theory—mainly unverifiable figures watching them, keeping society in a democratic-like manner, and to shape society’s behavior so they not like likely to cause…
The Panopticism was certainly difficult to read and comprehend. After reading it for the first time, I did not understand it. After reading and skimming a couple times, I began to increase my understanding. But after all of that I still do not fully understand the Panopticism. Foucault has a theory about society, comparing jails, schools, and factories, because we are constantly being observed.…
In his concept of the panopticon, Foucault adopted Jeremy Bentham’s prison design as a metaphor for modern disciplinary power. According to Foucault, discipline is invoked through an individual’s consciousness of permanent visibility and surveillance, resulting in compliant and self-policing behaviours as if constantly being watched (Nettleton, 1997). Engrained in this concept is Foucault’s notion of discourse, where he asserts that power is fabricated through language and practices, acting as leverage in legitimising power (Nettleton, 1997). In turn, discourse influences how expert knowledge and ideologies are constructed and maintained within social institutions and processes, and the ensuing power relations observable in society (Nettleton,…
James Gilligan relays an enlightening message in his article, Beyond the Prison Paradigm: From Provoking Violence to Preventing It by Creating “Anti-Prisons”, about the history and sole purpose of jails. Gilligan dates his research about jails all the way back from the first civilization known to man, Sumerian, to the jails we see and know so well today. At the beginning of time jails literally meant “house of darkness” which when compared to any of today’s jails is very similar to our maximum security facilities with solitary confinement. Jails were first used as a place to house those citizens, who chose not follow the social norms of society, and used a very violent form of punishment to teach a lesson to any of those citizens who even had thoughts of straying away from the social norms and rules of society. Prison was metaphorically seen as hell and the prison guards the demons of hell whose role was to follow through with the punishment of the prisoners. Prisoners would be tortured physically and mentally and then either released or executed depending on the severity of his or her crimes.…
Police Brutality is defined as the use of excessive or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. What the dictionary does not state is that lives are lost, families are ripped apart, and innocent people are killed every year. Officers are made to enforce the law, and protect the citizens from harmful situations, not to use force indiscriminately in situations that could be managed in many other ways. The topic of police brutality needs to be brought up more as a situation that needs to be fixed and addressed by the public and government-like figures. Many of the police brutality reports have said to be based a lot on race.…
Throughout the centuries, both the system and the concept of prison have undergone many radical changes that eventually led to the formation of the prison as we know it now. In the 16th and 17th centuries, prison tended to be a place where criminals were kept in it while awaiting their punishment. It was a place, where criminals were held, rather than a means of punishment. In fact, criminals, at that time, were publically punished, rather than imprisoned, in the most torturous ways such as whipping, and slaughtering. However, in the 18th century, people in charge decided to put an end to these cruel methods of punishing. They came up with new methods of punishing instead of using torture in punishing criminals. In fact, the incarceration with hard labor was the new method of punishing criminals. Thus, the prison itself became a tool of punishment.…
After reading your ideas on panopticism, I found myself both agreeing with your ideas and on the other hand having a few questions of my own. Does power have to be invisible, in order for it to be truly effective? Can a panopticon have the same powerful effect over school kid, mental patients, and hospital occupants as it does with prisoners? Nevertheless, these questions will be looked at more closely later on more on Mr. Foucault.…
In Foucault’s Essay on Panopticism he describes how in the Seventeenth Century they began to control the spread of a plague. He begins by explaining what measures were taken to control the plague, such as quarantine and forced separation. One thing that really stood out to me is that he said everyone is locked up in his cage which makes me think of a prison but they were in there own houses.…
Prisoners began movements in prison in order to fight for the acknowledgment and deconstruction of the slave labor they produce. Those incarcerated in the United States do labor at no cost, or receive little compensation in conditions less than inhuman simply due to the fact that they are or will be convicted of crimes. Therefore, as Kinetik Justice said in Solidarity From Solitary: The National Prison Strike, “These strikes are our method for challenging mass incarceration. The prison system is a continuation of the slave system.” However, what makes prisoner's movement differ from other movements is how participants in the movement managed to amass resources and distribute resources efficiently inside the total institution that is prison.…
As a final point, after evaluating “Panopticism” I would say that Apple is very panoptic institution. Even Though every own a cellphone and we know that we can be monitored through cellphones. But we still choose to risk our privacy to benefit ourselves. It is a mutual relationship between people and Apple institution. We use cellphones to stay connected with people but agencies like NSA they use this technology to catch criminals and to make people aware that they are watching everything we do. In “Panopticism” Foucault writes how Panopticon is used throughout history to discipline people as well as saying the way Panopticon is used changes over time. Before, Panopticon was used in prisons to discipline people but now in present days it is…