Found in Translation
Principles of Management, EMG 3301
Professor Halams
October 9, 2011
Closing Case: Found in Translation: How to Make the Multicultural Workforce Work 1 What role does the basic communication process in Figure 11.1 play in this case? Explain.
The basic communication process is vital from the Figure 11.1 in this case. The definition of communication is “the interpersonal transfer of information and understand” as stated on page 300. This is monumental for the CEO Glynn Lloyd to do with 70 percent of his 65 employees being from different places like Trinidad, Brazil, Nigeria, the Dominican Republic, and Cage Verde (p. 326). He has to have his employees carry out what he envisions for his company though understanding what is required.
Which of the five communication strategies in Figure 11.3 does CEO Glynn Lloyd rely on the most at City Fresh Foods?
At City Fresh Foods Glynn Lloyd relies on withhold and uphold strategy the most out of the five communication strategies in Figure 11.3. Lloyd’s also includes tell and sell strategy at City Fresh. The logistics manager, Kurt Stegenga states that the English classes was a bit much so they teach limited and key languages of City Fresh Foods such as “delivery ticket, check-out sheet and ice packs” (p. 326). “I spend a little extra time trying to help them read what they need to know (p. 326). At City Fresh Foods, the multilingual employees learn key terms such as “safe and out” and even the English alphabet by watch Sesame Street as noted in this case. Training material is visual so that at City Fresh Foods the employees can duplicate work efforts by visually looking at examples of how to do their jobs; it’s the hands on approach, “A demonstration is better than words, says Lloyd” (p. 326).
How should Glynn Lloyd stimulate upward communication at City Fresh Foods? Explain.
Glynn Lloyd should
References: Kreitner, R. (2009). International Management and Cross-Cultural competence. (11th ed.). Management. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.