Almost every child has heard the phrase, "You can grow up to be president someday." And part of that rings true, but is everyone really cut out to be president? What qualifies someone to be a good president? Sadly, not everyone can be president, and a good lot of people should never be put in any type of leadership role. A president should be compassionate, intellectual, and conviction. A man who I believe has all of these qualities is president Theodore Roosevelt, throw in animal magnetism, a sharp wit, and a sparkling personality and you have one of the best presidents our country has ever seen.…
In“Trump’s Bluster Is Heard Around the World,” an article published on Yahoo! Politics by Gregory Katz, sarcastic tone and vivid descriptions portray Donald Trump as a selfish human being to manipulate readers he will not be a good president. Katz’s sarcastic and criticizing tone adds to the negative view of Trump presented in this article;“His is clearly a recognized name worldwide, which is not to say it's a beloved one.” Katz then proves this point by quoting individuals from around the world. In the first description of Trump, a woman who lives next to a Trump resort calls Trump a spoiled “strange fish.” She then describes his toddler-like tantrums, causing an image of diaper wearing Trump whining and flopping for what he wants to pop into our heads. Katz’s next proof is a video of Mexican comedians dressed as Donald Trump performing an act written from his statements. The comedians are all wearing fake guts, Neanderthal clothing, and blonde wigs. Katz writes, “It's striking how many people know of him at all,” as if Trump is some new American celebrity who is just now getting attention for his statements. It is almost impossible to not recognize the Trump name. His name is on everything he owns, and he owns buildings, programs, and boats worldwide. Trump had been known by the world way before he decided to run for president. To end the article and finish his characterization of Trump, Katz writes,“That would be one side of Trump that few if any have seen — one who says ‘sorry’.” Like Buzzfeed and Alphacat, Katz includes mockery of Trump so viewers will chuckle at their possible leader. This humor alongside Katz’s sarcastic and condescending tone alarm readers that Trump is well known, not well…
Grover Cleveland was elected the 22nd (1885-1889) and the 24th (1893-1897) President of the United States. He really never tried to do anything as far as falling into politics. “As a lawyer in Buffalo, he became notable for his single-minded concentration upon whatever task faced him.” Before his election in 1855 he moved to Buffalo to start training for the practice of law. Cleveland then was elected sheriff of Erie County in western New York in 1870. Later he was elected mayor of Buffalo, New York in 1881. Then after he was elected mayor, he was elected governor of New York State in 1882 (Bio in Context). “Cleveland retained the loyalty of his supporters, winning the election by the narrowest of margins” (Miller…
Editorial. "The ‘Mother of All Bombs’ Is No Solution to Isis, the Mother of All Problems." Independent (UK), 15 Apr. 2017. EBSCOhost. Web. 21 Apr. 2017.…
Many leaders in today’s society possess characteristics that determine how they are either chosen or self-made. These characteristics could range from being a charismatic, transformational, motivational, or influential leader. Each has its own meaning, but it is possible for leaders to possess more than one characteristic. Being a charismatic leader consists of having a charming and colorful personality. As the text reads, “In the study of leadership, charisma is a special quality of leaders whose purposes, powers, and extraordinary determination differentiate them from others."…
Because they both thought in terms of privacy an power, Nixon and Kissinger could relate well to one another, according to Kelly's _____ Corollary.…
2. Reflect on what we learned about the humanistic movement in psychology. How was it different from other psychological theories that came before it? What were its main goals? How did many aspects of the “human potential movement” fail to adhere to the goals that were set forth by the founders of humanistic psychology?…
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States became President in March 1933 at the depth of the Great Depression. President Roosevelt's reign from 1882-1945 showed that he was a fascinating idealist, whose confidence helped carry on the American people during the strains of economic crisis and world war even though he had an attack of poliomyelitis, which paralyzed his legs in 1921.…
George W. Bush is also an ambitious character, and this characteristics came from the shadow of his father – George H.W. Bush. Normally for boys, if there is a deep feeling of fear of his father , or his father’s size and strength, would lead to his fear of bullies (Frank 2007, 143). For George W. Bush, the powerful heroical image of his father affect him and brought him a “rivalrous and agreesive feelings”, therefore, he tends to mimic his father and become a bully himself. As Frank said that the desire of becoming a bully is “typically focused on the father’s symbolic role in defining manhood for his children. It is this poweful representation of the father’s masculinity that the boy wants and fears (ibid, 143)”. In consequence, this shadow…
Any person experiences growth of different aspects of personality during various points of time. In fact, it is the day to day good and bad experiences that shape the personality of an individual. There are different theories of growth of personality of an individual. In this assignment, I will take up the case of well-known figure Oprah Winfrey. Based on different theories of personality, I will study the factors which contributed to the growth of personality of Oprah Winfrey.…
What is the most important characteristic for a president to have? First is honesty. They should always do the honest things. It makes people feel like they know where they stand with you always . We expect great expectations from the president . Americans expect a lot from their Presidents. Understandably, they want the President to take quick actions on problems facing the nation such as crime and drug abuse.…
Coon, D., & Mitterer, J. O. (2013). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (13th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.…
Freud, Sigmund. (1856-1939). (2009). In the Hutchinson unabridged encyclopedia with atlas and weather guide. Retrieved from…
Almost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what personality psychologists do. Personality psychology looks at the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that make a person unique. Some of the best known theories in psychology are devoted to the subject of personality.…
I want to start with Maslow. Through Maslow the Humanistic Theory is a common theory in psychology. This theory beliefs that all people are naturally good. They want to grow and improve on their faults etc. When you think about Maslow, you will probably think of the famous “Hierarchy of Needs”. To be very visual, there is a pyramid. The bottom of the pyramid shows you the psychological, moving upwards, Safety, Love and Belonging, Self-Esteem and achieving excellence and most important is self-actualization. Reading this was very conflicting because this theory only beliefs that 1% of humans reach self-actualization. I don’t agree fully. I think self-actualization is very personal and not everyone has to be Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King etc. Regardless whether I agree or not, his theory contributes immensely to psychology and the study of personality. I can see where he came up with this theory because of the way we are as human beings. We have needs, we want gratification, we want positive outcomes, to be loved and belong, we have self-esteem needs. Women get breast augmentations many times for vain purposes because in reality, big breasts are not needed to breastfeed or live. We get boob jobs because we have a void in our DNA, we have a need to be more attractive, be socially accepted etc etc. This brings me to Freud.…