Foundations of the U.S. Federal Government Worksheet
Complete the chart below by identifying the three branches of government and their entities.
U.S. Constitution
True or False
1. The Tenth Amendment limits the power of states. FALSE
2. The Constitution signed in 1787 contained the Bill of Rights. FALSE
3. The Constitution created a system of dual sovereignty, meaning the federal government has exclusive power in interstate commerce. True
4. The president and vice president are part of the legislative branch. FALSE
5. Congress can impose federal mandates, which require the state government to comply with its orders. True or False
Multiple Choice
6. The concept of dual federalism
D: viewed federal and state power as fixed
d. The Bill of Rights is
C: the first 10 amendments to the Constitution
e. The legislative branch is composed of which of the following:
a. The House of Representatives and Senate
f. The First Amendment of the Constitution regards which of the following:
D: Freedom of religion, of speech, of the press, to assemble, and to petition
g. The modern-day structure of categorical federal grants-in-aid came into being
D: in the mid-1960s
Short Answer
Respond to each question in 75 to 100 words.
h. What are some of the historical events that shaped the formation of the U.S. federal government? Select one event you think had a major effect on the federal government. How does this event affect U.S. citizens today?
A historical event would be
i. Who were some of the early philosophical contributors to U.S. government? How did their ideas help shape the current government of the United States? Some