This theme is saying that everyone who is spending their time putting in hard work deserves fair working conditions and respect. No one’s rights should be taken away from them in the workplace whether that be because of gender, sexuality, or even monetary class. In addition to liberty in the workplace, this theme also calls for the creation of labor unions being a good thing that should be respected. An example of an injustice in the world that deals with this theme is the sweatshops that are located over seas and the companies that use them. The men and women and children that are working in these factories have terrible working conditions and are being stripped of their human dignity. All they are trying to do is make some money to support their lives and they are being harassed in the workplace. Whether it is sexual harassment, physical beatings, or poor wage, the workers are not treated with the dignity they deserve. In addition to the workers being treated wrongly, the companies that use these shops are also to blame. They are so focused on making money that they forget about the dignity of human beings. They forget that the products are being made by actual people who are struggling in life. These two examples go against the sixth CST theme because they dehumanize people who are just trying to do their part in the workforce and more importantly, their part in
This theme is saying that everyone who is spending their time putting in hard work deserves fair working conditions and respect. No one’s rights should be taken away from them in the workplace whether that be because of gender, sexuality, or even monetary class. In addition to liberty in the workplace, this theme also calls for the creation of labor unions being a good thing that should be respected. An example of an injustice in the world that deals with this theme is the sweatshops that are located over seas and the companies that use them. The men and women and children that are working in these factories have terrible working conditions and are being stripped of their human dignity. All they are trying to do is make some money to support their lives and they are being harassed in the workplace. Whether it is sexual harassment, physical beatings, or poor wage, the workers are not treated with the dignity they deserve. In addition to the workers being treated wrongly, the companies that use these shops are also to blame. They are so focused on making money that they forget about the dignity of human beings. They forget that the products are being made by actual people who are struggling in life. These two examples go against the sixth CST theme because they dehumanize people who are just trying to do their part in the workforce and more importantly, their part in