“Women often tried to induce abortion or causing a miscarriage by throwing themselves down stairs or inflicting violence on themselves (When abortion was illegal, 2005). Even though some people are convinced that aborting a fetus is an act of killing and abortion should be illegal, they forget that raising an “unwanted” child can later harm the child’s physical, emotional and psychological well- being as the mother is stressed and not content being a mom and sees her child as a
“Women often tried to induce abortion or causing a miscarriage by throwing themselves down stairs or inflicting violence on themselves (When abortion was illegal, 2005). Even though some people are convinced that aborting a fetus is an act of killing and abortion should be illegal, they forget that raising an “unwanted” child can later harm the child’s physical, emotional and psychological well- being as the mother is stressed and not content being a mom and sees her child as a