To become a "French Employer" and localize the hotel
Work someone more during peak hrs and less during a lull
Polychronic culture-value human relationships
Unions in France were easy to deal with
High taxes compared to other European countries
Must document everything if want to terminate someone
Big cultural adjustment
To run the hotel with the "Four Season Standards"
Monochromic culture-schedule based
It is successful in most other places
Wants to be different not just french
Its not localized
New Chef not Four seasons standard
Employees are used to working in France so difference in cultures
Solution: I think the hotel should be run the "Four Seasons Way" with a little French touch.
Execution: Although you cannot hire new employees you must train the employees extensively to the four season's standards. We are already bringing in some French culture by locating the hotel in a French palace. I believe we can hire "temporary employees" for times when there is a lull but also keep the core standards in Exhibit 4 and 5 that have made all Four Seasons Successful. We can bring in some culture at the spa and create a "French Massage" or a "Fondue Wrap." Since most people coming to the hotel will not be French, we have to use our goals, beliefs and principles we are based on. If we used the polychronic way, the guests would be confused because we wouldn't be concentrated on just them but on many things. Perhaps putting some other four season elements into this hotel including the Bali spa or another specialty food restaurant would bring a different approach to the four