The rate of respiration in mealworms from the twelve experimental tubes in the light treatment ranged from 0.0489 mL O2/g/hr to 1.1611 mL O2/g/hr. The average rate of respiration was determined to be 0.4034 ± 0.1886 mL O2/g/hr. The rate of respiration in mealworms from the six control tubes of light treatment ranged from 0 mL O2/g/hr to 0.0859 mL O2/g/hr. The average rate of respiration of them was determined to be 0.0208 ± 0.0068 mL O2/g/hr. The CI bars of the experimental tubes and the control tubes in this treatment did not overlap, so they were determined to be significantly different from each other.…
Planarian worms are free-living flatworms that are not parasitic. Planarians have a three-cavity digestive system. Planarians are usually either carnivorous or scavengers. Planarians may eat other living, as well as dead, invertebrates, detritus or decaying organic matter. Planarians do not realize that are eating a lot, and can over eat resulting in death. Most planarians are freshwater forms that can be found underneath dead leaves, rocks or logs. Planarians belong to the order Tricladida. Most species range from about 1/8 inch to 1 inch. There are different species which come in white, gray, black, brown and sometimes transparent. Planarians are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both female and male organs. They reproduce sexually but they cannot reproduce by fertilizing their own eggs with their sperm. Planarians can also reproduce asexually by regeneration. Planarians have become a vital model system for studying tissue regeneration and stem cell characteristics because of their quick ability to regenerate. Studying planarians will build on our current knowledge in the fields of regenerative medicine and stem cell biology. Flatworms themselves are preyed upon by a variety of predators and are intermediate levels of the food chain, so they are important because they feed other animals.…
|Record your observations about mealworms (shape, size, number of legs and segments, |Draw a detailed picture of your meal worm. |…
In this experiment, the preferences of mealworms towards lighted and dark environments were tested. The main question posed was whether the behavior of the mealworms would be affected by the variable of light, and whether they would move towards or away from the light source (taxis). We placed ten mealworms into two adjoining containers and tried to simulate the effects of above ground and underground by exposing the mealworms to minimal amounts of light in one of the containers (underground), and placing the other container under a lamp (above ground). A beaker of water was utilized as a heat sink to prevent the variable of heat from tampering with the variable being tested. Twenty five-minute interval trials were conducted in total.…
The Guinea worm is an interesting creatures that infects humans by making their way through our skin. Humans drinking Contaminated water is the cause for this. Today's it's way less common in the developed world due to cleaner water. We learned that they spread only by more water once they are inside the body. Without water they will die out. The burning sensation that they create wants us to treat it with water but that will hurt the situation in the long run. They will release more larvae when water comes into contact with it. Knowing that people can avoid water contact from that area which will eventually kill it. The author is saying that many animals such as the guinea worm will affect people and creates a pain. The invader wants you…
Locomotor Behavior of Sarcophaga bullata in response to various light stimuli Introduction: The species Sarcophaga bullata (flesh fly) is from the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda and Class Insecta. Flesh flies live all over the world, generally in warm, moist climates. The flesh fly goes through the process of complete metamorphosis that consists of four stages: egg, larva (=maggot), pupa, to adult in about eight days. Through these different stages of metamorphosis the flesh fly is a parasite and a self-sustaining organism until it reaches full maturity. The job for the fly is then to disperse the species and reproduce. Flesh flies can be both pests and important aspects to human lives. They help in biological research and in criminal investigations but they also carry diseases that can harm humans.…
The annelids (also called "ringed worms"), formally called Annelida (from Latin anellus "little ring"[2]), are a large phylum of segmented worms, with over 22,000 modern species including ragworms, earthworms and leeches. They are found in marine environments from tidal zones to hydrothermal vents, in freshwater, and in moist terrestrial environments.They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, coelomate organisms.They have parapodia for locomotion. Although most textbooks still use the traditional division into polychaetes (almost all marine), oligochaetes (which include earthworms) and leech-like species, research since 1997 has radically changed this scheme, viewing leeches as a sub-group of oligochaetes and oligochaetes as a sub-group of polychaetes. In addition, the Pogonophora, Echiura and Sipuncula, previously regarded as separate phyla, are now regarded as sub-groups of polychaetes. Annelids are considered members of the Lophotrochozoa, a "super-phylum" of protostomes that also includes molluscs, brachiopods,flatworms and nemerteans.…
Most flatworms are hermaphrodrodites (male & female). Flatworms can also reproduce asexually and sexually. A flatworm can reproduce very simply by falling into pieces and each fragment would form a new flatworm. Flatworms reproduce sexually by having one flatworm give sperm to the other. The flatworm would lay eggs in small clusters. The eggs would hatch in just a few…
Tapeworms have no digestive system so they must eat food already digested by another animal. That is precisely what they do as a parasite inside our intestines. Tapeworms absorb nutrients directly through their skin (cuticle). They also reproduce inside us. There are many species of tapeworms.…
The second stage is the caterpillar. A caterpillar is sometimes called larve. A caterpillar is a long creature. It looks like a worm. Most caterpillars have a cool pattern. This pattern has stripes or patches. The caterpillar is hungry once it has hatched. It starts to eat leaves and flowers. It eats these all the time. It first eats the leaf that it was born on. This is the eating and growing stage.…
← Locomotion means the act / power of moving from place to place, characteristic of the higher animals and some of the lower forms of plant life.…
There are four stages in the financial life cycle of an individual. The accumulation, saving, pre-retirement and retirement stages.…
Lifecycle refers to the stages of growth and development of a living thing. All living things go through different stages of development throughout their lives. Change in actions and behaviors are deeply associated with the changes in the stages of life. Butterfly is such an insect, which has a complete lifecycle consisting of four separate stages. In this paper, we will discuss the lifecycle of a butterfly in order to get an understanding of all stages of growth and development of a butterfly.…
The growth of caterpillars into butterflies has six stages. Only 2 or 3 out of every hundred eggs laid become butterflies. The first stage is when the butterflies lay eggs on a leaf out of which 2 or 3 percent of the eggs develop into butterflies. When they hatch, they eat their shells. If they do not eat their shells, they will die. We call them caterpillars now. The third stage is when the caterpillars grow and shed their skin which happens five times and each time the new skin is a different colour or pattern. From this stage, they transform into a chrysalis and while inside the caterpillar develops into a butterfly. Stage five is when the butterfly comes out of the chrysalis with wings and a few hours later they become fully fledge butter butterflies ready to fly up to sky.…
Earthworms live in moist soil which contains organic matter. Earthworms do not have eyes or ears but they have a mouth and are sensitive to heat, light and touch. This adaptation is important to the survival of the earthworm. In the winter the earthworm travels deep in the soil to avoid the frost. In the hot summer the worm also travels deep into the soil in order to avoid dehydration. During the night an earthworm surfaces to let off their castings.…