During this time, Susan expressed interest in learning how she could best go about quitting meth and alcohol. She didn’t want to do inpatient because she felt like she was restricted and she really wanted her freedom. I told her about IOP and she wanted to try it. I explained that it usually lasts 90 days and she would be expected to be present in the program at least 9 hours a week (Pita, 2015). I also explained that the length of the program and what level she is considered within the program is based solely on her. She really liked knowing she was in control and that we could continue our individual sessions. This motivated her to want to make the change to sobriety and I called the program and got her …show more content…
In our weekly therapy sessions we talked about things that trigger her, how her anti-anxiety medication is working, and the plan of action if she feels like using. She promised me that she would call her friend and talk it out if it was outside of my office hours and she felt she could wait. I gave her the emergency number for the clinic and I told her that if she feels the need to use to call this hotline and they can help too. This stage also overlaps with the final stage of Mueser’s stages of recovery model, relapse prevention. The only big difference is that for this stage in the stages of recovery model to be achieved the client needs to be free from negative consequences or abstinent for 6 months or more (Pita,