Challengers feel any economic benefits from using the fracking process would be short-lived and would be ignoring reports of risks to public health, air quality, weakening of ground stability, contamination of groundwater, permanently altering the local ecology, and the use of vast amounts of water…
Hydraulic fracturing, otherwise known as fracking, is a 60 year old practice of pumping high pressure water into shale rock thousands of feet below the earth’s surface. The pressurized water is pumped through cement encased pipes at pressures reaching 9000 pounds per square inch. The treated water is forced into small cracks in the gas-rich shale rock, resulting in the breaking of the rock and the release of natural gas that would otherwise be unobtainable. Hydraulic fracturing is a safe, economically efficient way to drill for natural gas, create jobs, and lessen America’s dependency on foreign oil.…
Fracking has become a nation wide debate and one that doesn’t seem to have an end. The state of North Carolina is one of the most involved areas of the fracking process. “North Carolina is sitting on top of large natural gas reserves (WRAL 1).” For this reason, many natural gas companies come to North Carolina for business. This helps the states economy because it produces more income and creates more jobs. The only problem is that the hydraulic fracking process has a reputation of contaminating local drinking water. This causes controversy with the citizens in cities such as Raleigh. Many cities welcome fracking while others try to completely ban it. The worst problem with fracking is that there seems to be no alternatives for it. Fracking is the only current process that can supply the efficient amount of natural gases. Therefore, fracking must not be banned but corrected so it can obtain natural gases in a safe manner.…
Now this all sounds very nice, but fracking is one of the most debated topics recently out of following reasons: It takes an immense amounts of water, it poses the…
My name is Santiago Arellano, and I am a resident of Broomfield Colorado. I would like to present my opinion on the North Park Hydraulic Fracturing. Hydraulic Fracturing is a very ingenious way of removing oil from the deep Shale, which we have been unable to reach. This method, also known as Fracking, is also very small. It starts out with a drill rig and a holding tank for the first 3 months, but then once the well is dug, it looks like another oil drill, and will continue to draw oil from the ground for the next 20-30 years. Fracking involves the use of radioactive materials, explosives, and hazardous chemicals. I believe that, as Fracking becomes more popular, and less scrutinized, the watch over it will become less strict, and these materials will leak into groundwater, or into our rivers and lakes.…
Hydraulic fracturing experimentation started in 1947 and it had its first commercially successful applications by 1949, so it has been around for a long time. In twenty-thirteen, it is estimated that well over sixty five percent of all new oil and gas wells worldwide are using the process of hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing, has allowed the United States to tap into domestic sources of natural gas and oil that were previously not economical to extract from such as shale beds. This has created numerous economic benefits for communities and governments in a time of economic instability.…
One good effect that fracking has had and Gold noted, is that fracking has significantly improved our economy by creating more jobs for people. For many years our economy had suffered with plummeting unemployment rates, but about 10 years ago when fracking came about it was like a savior had come because fracking provided more jobs and in turn lowered the unemployment rate. In some ways fracking is a better alternative for the environment. Burning coal is very hazardous to the environment because of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Fracking does not produce CO2 emissions because it is natural gas that is being produced and thus it is technically cleaner…
While fracking is detrimental to the earth, there are also some pros presented by the practice. Many of those advantages are centred around economic practices as the US has a large quantity of shale beneath its surface. The extraction of fossil fuels at home would make the US its source of fuel opposed to being reliant on other countries which is a theme presented in Source C. As well as providing jobs to those in the gas industry. The source also tells how despite the additional environmental risk posed by fracking, it releases fewer emissions than using coal as a primary source of energy.…
Should we allow companies to continue the fracking process ? No , We should stop the fracking process because of water contamination , the deaths of animals , and sickening of people. Chemicals that are contaminated are dangering others, fracking pollutes the water and air, and is dangerous for the workers and the animals. When landowners suspect that fracking is contaminating their water, a settlement can be made where the landowners can be given money; in return, they will need to promise to not talk to anyone about the problem.Fracking puts our health and the environment's in serious risks.…
Many people are fascinated and astonished with the term “Fracking”, which is a process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, and other forms of rocks so that the force of the liquid can open existing cracks or holes to extract oil or gas. Fracking was discovered by Geologist who found out that further opening a rock formation can expose oil and gas that's within the rock, but however even though Geologist is fascinated and intrigued by this process other people believe that Fracking is a danger to our world and cause major problems that can even harm humans, do to the different types of chemicals and gas that are leaking out of the rock that destroying the land and poisoning the air. I believe that Fracking should not be allowed to release oil or natural gas do to the harm and effects that it can cause to us and more importantly the world.…
Fracking occurs when “water wells become plugged up with sand and other minerals. A machine is brought in to inject water into the well at extreme pressure to blow out the tiny cracks and fissures in the rock through which the water flow.” (Fracking Threatens Everyone) Completely harmless. Or so it seemed at that time. Today dealing with increased pollution, it contaminated this ‘wonderful’ thing. “Fracking injects large quantities of water under great pressure with sand and many toxic chemicals mixed in. Many of these are can cause cancer…Unfortunately, when fracking goes wrong, sources of drinking water ca be ruined and all different types of pollution can happen in a second.” (Fracking Threatens Everyone) Just like that, in a blink of an eye, something wonderful was turned around and causes more problems than we can…
Fracking, what’s wrong with the US. To start off, Fracking is a reason development that uses water pressure to bust through rocks and pump oil out of the ground, which is cheaper than overseas oil transport. First, fracking is a waste of good resources like water, and uses harmful chemicals. Second, not only is it waste of resources it destroys resources land and the air that were not effecting in the first place. Fracking is a dangerous game that is a short solution to a big problem.…
A controversial new method of extracting natural gas from the earth has become a danger for Americans. This method is called Hydraulic Fracturing, or Fracking. This drilling has made it possible to retrieve methane gas trapped in the shale rock that lays thousands of feet below the ground. For some, fracking can be seen as a good thing for our country. Fracking is boosting the nation’s economy, creating jobs and energy export opportunities, and strengthening the energy independence of the United States. Although it may help in some aspects, it comes at a very high cost to the American people. Fracking is extremely harmful to the water supply, the environment, and the population.…
Some people say fracking destroys the environment but fracking provides jobs, energy to the U.S. and, it is a good way to get energy. So now fracking is not so bad it provides so much to the U.S. and to the U.S. citizens. In the end, fracking for natural gas is not a bad idea yes it has some problems but gas coupons are trying to resolve the…
On every fracking site, 8 million gallons of water and 40,000 gallons of chemicals are used each day. In addition, these chemicals are injected 10,000 feet into the ground. This interesting statistic calls attention to the dangers of contamination and pollution that fracking brings to local communities and residents. A PhD recipient from Duke University, Dr.Richard Anderson, claims that the federal government needs to have certain limitations on national fracking protocol. Otherwise, he argues greater environmental issues with the oil and gas industries may arise. Many recent articles and research have agreed with Dr. Anderson in the conclusion that water contamination and greater health risks may occur if the government does not provide a solution. The Texas legislature should ban or minimize fracking in specific areas of Texas, which includes Forth Worth where there are 12,000 fracking wells. The reasons are because fracking causes contamination in groundwater and the atmosphere, uses chemicals that are unsafe and toxic, causes health risks to many residents, and causes earthquakes.…