At the start of the graph it is consistent for a few seconds then rapidly increases to about 80°. It remains there for a little bit then slowly goes up to the second plateau, around 99°.
The goal of sludge is to separate a mixture of liquids and soluble and insoluble solids and find their properties. The first thing we did was use physical means to pick out the insoluble solids with our fingers. We needed to find the density, magnetism, and malleability of the solids. We used water displacement to find the volume of each of the insoluble solids. We then found the mass of the solids, then divided the mass by the volume and found the density. Density’s- Nut- 6.9 g/cm^3, Marble- 2.06 g/cm^3, silver pellets- 0.4 g/cm^3. We tested magnetism by using a magnet, and malleability by smashing each solid with a hammer. Magnetism- Nut- yes, marble- no, Pellets- no. Malleability- Nut - yes, Marble - no, Pellets - yes. The next thing we did to separate our sludge, was distillation. We set up the distillation by putting solution in a