The today´s time is coined by the change of the seller´s and buyer’s market. A constantly growing offer faces to a nearly stagnant market sphere stamped by strong competition. Products and services become more and more similar to each other and for every enterprise it shows a huge challenge to find a unique selling proposition to be able to contrast with the competition. By the hard competitive pressure an enterprises can get fast under the compulsion to move and must pursue certain changes to exist in the market. These changes can affect the employee too and put them again under huge stress. According to a study France stands above all especially in large-scale enterprises with his suicide rate worldwide at the third place.,
Especially conspicuously by his suicidal wave was the enterprise France Telecom which had registered 22 suicides only in 2008 and these rose perpetually.
This paper includes a brief introduction to two big changes inside France Telecom and the consequences for both of them. A clear connection between these changes can be seen between them. In addition, critical assessment of the latter change, Orange People Charter, will be shown within this assignment.
France Telecom Past & Present
France Telecom was founded in 1988 and has its domicile in Paris. Before 1988 the French telecommunication, “Direction Générale des Télécommunications”, was part of the post ministry. In 1990, France telecom went public. At this time the company was governmentally owned and France Telecom had a monopoly –position until 1998.
Today´s CEO is Stephane Richard. The company employs about 170,000 persons in 2013 and gained a turnover of 43,51 Billion Euro in 2012. It is the leading telecommunication provider in French and attends to 229.8 Million customers in 32 countries. Their business activities are offering and service for mobile phones, Internet, mobile Internet, IP televisions and landline.
Since 2012 the
References: Orange, CSR-reports. (2007-2012). Noudettu osoitteesta Economist Orange Campus. (2011). Haettu 2013 osoitteesta Orange People Charter Reuters. (2012). Haettu 2013 osoitteesta Axel Springer AG Brändle, S. (2009). fr-online. Haettu 29. 06 2013 osoitteesta,1472780,3126604.html brandsoftheworld Finkenzeller, K. (2009). rp-online. Haettu 01. 07 2013 osoitteesta Hahn, D handelsblatt. (2002). Haettu 29. 06 2013 osoitteesta Handelsblatt. (5. 12 2002). Haettu 15. 5 2013 osoitteesta iwpc Kaps, B. (2009). Haettu 29. 06 2013 osoitteesta Orange Orange. (2013). Haettu 20. 6 2013 osoitteesta Orange Spiegel. (21. 3 2002). Haettu 15. 5 2013 osoitteesta Spiegel Spiegel. (2012). Spiegel Online Wirtschaft . Haettu 29. 06 2013 osoitteesta Stern Umsetzungsberatung. (2013). Haettu 02. 06 2013 osoitteesta Wüpper, G Zeit, D. (2010). die zeit online . Haettu 28. 06 2013 osoitteesta