Frank Addante got his motivation to work from financing his college life in the first years. He worked on his own, sold and installed car alarms and automatic starters. From this time on he continued to earn money through ad-hoc jobs to make his way through college, but he was always conscious for good ideas, which he could transform into businesses. This chance was given when he installed some high-speed communication lines for an office where two mar-keting companies had their headquarters. When the owners of the two companies were argu-ing about any new ideas, they came up with a “search engine” for the internet. Addante was listening to them and came up with his own interpretation of the “search engine”. At this time he did not want any compensation for his work, even though he had to learn a programming language. So Addante’s motivation in getting involved in the “search engine” project called Starting Point was not about big salaries, he was fascinated about the idea that he could create something which other people could use online, as he said.
After the first few months Addante began to realise that the motivation to create something is not enough for financing his life, so he added the motivation of earning money to his motiva-tion-portfolio. Soon after 1997, when Addante’s two co-founders got into discussion with each other, Addante learned that equity is an important factor of a venture. Another motiva-tion he got was when his co-founders got more and more distanced to each other. Addante wanted to construct a team that could work together and that is not acting as separate indi-viduals.
For the founding of his second venture, Addante kept his motivation to create something new, which fulfils people’s needs. In addition the equity of the new company was almost split and Addante got a fixed salary, which reflected the motivation of Frank Addante to earn money with his venture. Furthermore a motivation of Addante