This semi-barbaric king had a daughter as blooming as his most fluoric and fancies. And with a soul as reverent and impervious as his own. This means that she is just like the king but she is kinder and love and kindness overpowers anger and jealousy. And the fact she doesn’t want him to die because she loves him. And is the love of her life. And never wants him to die.
But gold and a woman’s will had brought the lady’s door to her. This means that she will stop at nothing to make sure that her lover dose not die. A hearable and gruesome death. That she is dedicated to her lover. So much that she would die for him. Cause she loves him. …show more content…
And rather see him alive then dead. And she is so in love with him it is unbelievable. He will live cause of their love. Love is stronger than fear.
In this story there is a love affair because of love. Love is stronger than fear. It always has been and always will be. Because of the princess her lover is alive. And now she is happy. And so is he is happy to and in love like all happy