Francis Albert Sinatra was a very successful singer and actor. Born in Hoboken, new Jersey on december 12,1915. Natalina Della and Saverio Antonino Martino Sinatra were both immigrants that moved to the U.S before Frank was born. Growing up in Hoboken Frank started singing at a saloon. That wasn’t enough in high school he joined multiple glee and choir groups. This is when he met his first wife Barbara Sinatra and his career took off. Even though he was a drinker and he went through many marriages. Frank Sinatra is one of the best classic singers and he has inspired many people to do what they want. As he even can from poverty which is what makes his life so interesting.
In 1943 Frank signed with Columbia records and his solo …show more content…
Frank's new relationship started ruff with a lot of fights between Frank and Ava. While in London their suite was broken into and about 17,000 dollars worth of jewelry and other items were stolen.
Frank was doing even more movies and tv/radio show appearance while also making music. From Here To Eternity came out nation wide being the most successful film made by Columbia. In 1953 Frank also signed with Capitol records around the same time Ava and Frank separated only 11 months after their marriage. Frank then joined the Rat Pack and was once back on top of the music charts. Building back up Frank released more albums and produced more movies going back and forth from New York to LA.
56 new songs were released in 1957 with magazines and tv shows all over him.While back on top Frank once again proposed this time to Lauren Bacall. He also came out with even more number one singles making 4 million dollars that year. Frank also started to hang out with JKF singing at his events and staying with JFK while the presidential election was at its peak. Putting a plaque that said "John F. Kennedy slept here November 6th and 7th, 1960" on his front