A stroke is an immediate medical emergency, and someone who is having one needs to seek help as quickly as possible. Stroke is also more likely to affect people if they are age 55 or older, overweight, do not exercise much, drink heavily, have a personal or family history of stroke, smoke or use illicit drugs. Frank fits in to the age category for this and does have other existing medical issues. There are several main symptoms of stroke. One is confusion, as in understanding something or speaking. The second is headache, along with vomiting and loss of consciousness. The third is numbness usually on one side of the body such as arms, legs, and face. They can also have dizziness and lack of co-ordination. In Frank’s case he did not have all of these but he did have some as in the headache, unable to use left side, and slurred speech. Strokes can lead to long-term problems but depends on how quickly it is treated and diagnosed. The patient can have some permanent or short term problems after the stroke occurs. Other than the problems already listed, patients can also experience trouble controlling or expressing emotions, bladder or bowel control problems, pain in the hands and feet that gets worse with movement and temperature changes, depression, paralysis or weakness on one or both sides of the body (J.M, 2016). Frank’s problems after his stroke were deficits in perception, figure ground, and spatial relations. He demonstrates right/left confusion and a profound left neglect. He is showing poor attention span, insight, judgement, and safety awareness. He has difficulty maneuvering around his room and the hospital environment, constantly bumping into things on the left side. Sensation testing finds impaired sensation for the light touch and sharp/dull pain, as well as impaired stereognosis on his
A stroke is an immediate medical emergency, and someone who is having one needs to seek help as quickly as possible. Stroke is also more likely to affect people if they are age 55 or older, overweight, do not exercise much, drink heavily, have a personal or family history of stroke, smoke or use illicit drugs. Frank fits in to the age category for this and does have other existing medical issues. There are several main symptoms of stroke. One is confusion, as in understanding something or speaking. The second is headache, along with vomiting and loss of consciousness. The third is numbness usually on one side of the body such as arms, legs, and face. They can also have dizziness and lack of co-ordination. In Frank’s case he did not have all of these but he did have some as in the headache, unable to use left side, and slurred speech. Strokes can lead to long-term problems but depends on how quickly it is treated and diagnosed. The patient can have some permanent or short term problems after the stroke occurs. Other than the problems already listed, patients can also experience trouble controlling or expressing emotions, bladder or bowel control problems, pain in the hands and feet that gets worse with movement and temperature changes, depression, paralysis or weakness on one or both sides of the body (J.M, 2016). Frank’s problems after his stroke were deficits in perception, figure ground, and spatial relations. He demonstrates right/left confusion and a profound left neglect. He is showing poor attention span, insight, judgement, and safety awareness. He has difficulty maneuvering around his room and the hospital environment, constantly bumping into things on the left side. Sensation testing finds impaired sensation for the light touch and sharp/dull pain, as well as impaired stereognosis on his