Shelley’s Gothic novel, Frankenstein, explores the complex nature of mankind by considering the consequences of an unrestricted pursuit of science. A rise in scientific experimentation with Galvanism during Shelley’s time is reflected through the protagonist Victor as he uses it to bestow life. Shelley portrays Victor and the Creature as complex beings, demonstrating both inhuman and human qualities. Despite this, the subsequent rejection by his creator and the De Lacy family drives the Creature to ‘eternal rejection and vengeance of mankind’. Victor’s initial response when meeting the creature, demonstrates his savage, cruel treatment and lack of responsibility towards his creation.…
Prometheus, according to Greek mythology, was the Titan who created mankind. A task given to him by Zeus, he was to create human beings with clay and water in the image of the gods. Prometheus taught man to read, heal their sickness, and to hunt. Zeus kept fire from mankind but Prometheus stole the fire from Zeus and gave it to the humans against direct domands. Zeus then punished him by fixing him to a rock of Caucasus where each day an eagle would peck out his liver, only for it to grow back the next day because of his immortality as a god. Prometheus was also a myth told in from clay and water against the laws of nature. Much like Victor and his creation of man against the laws of nature, in which they both end up punished for their creations. Prometheus and Frankenstein are similar in many ways, such as their actions and results of creating humans. But they are also very different in personality.…
“Who has the right to create life? God or Science?”(Bissonette, Melissa Bloom 1) One of the compelling monstrosity of Shelley’s novel continues to appeal readers, but why? (3) The monster is a victimized child, mistreated and misunderstood, or evil some may say. (3) Is he really a monster?…
The pursuit of knowledge is at the heart of Frankenstein, as Victor attempts to surge beyond accepted human limits and access the secret of life. Likewise, Robert Walton attempts to surpass previous human explorations by endeavoring to reach the North Pole. This ruthless pursuit of knowledge, of the light (see “Light and Fire”), proves dangerous, as Victor’s act of creation eventually results in the destruction of everyone dear to him, and Walton finds himself perilously trapped between sheets of ice. Whereas Victor’s obsessive hatred of the monster drives him to his death, Walton ultimately pulls back from his treacherous mission, having learned from Victor’s example how destructive the thirst for knowledge can be.Monstrosity…
The creature’s claims of his benevolence prior to uniting with Victor Frankenstein was true, based on his admiration of the cottages that he observed and the acts of kindness that he performs for them. The creature expresses his adoration for the cottagers, because when he observes them he “felt sensations of peculiar and overpowering [force]... such as [he] had never experienced, either from hunger and cold, warmth and food”(105). From observing the cottagers he learns how to read, talk, as well as how human society works. The creature is so moved by observing their daily motions he hopes that one day they, “ [his] protectors”(121) will not judge him as cruelly as the other people have before them.…
The character of The Creature in Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, endures a life of denial, abandonment and isolation. Due to his unusual appearance, society and his creator, Victor Frankenstein, reject him. The creature was crafted into an innocent being with no evidence of any previous knowledge. He is developed into an actual monster due to his unstable upbringing as well as a life without companionship. It is deemed that the creature is an evil being, but in reality it is due unfortunate life of loneliness that lead him to perform unjust actions. The character of the creature should not be viewed as evil, but unloved as it is evident from the hatred his creator had for him, his desperation for a companion and society’s denial towards him that he was ultimately not an evil being.…
Frankenstein not only literally created the creature, but his reaction to his “birth” and subsequent neglect and abuse essentially created the psychological monster. From the moment of animation, Frankenstein was disgusted and repulsed by his creation. Rather than accept his child as he created, he abandons his newborn and all of his parental responsibilities. He never questioned where his abandoned child was and he even wished that the creature were dead. He continually refers to him as a “monster”, “fiend”, “demon” in a verbally abusive…
How do people change in times of crisis and tragedy? In the novel "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley, Victor learns a lesson in thinking before acting. Before creating the monster, he only cares about his studies and is relatively happy. After his creation, his studies become his phobia and his creation (which, while constructing him, used to be his love) became his tormentor. In the end, he learns his lesson and stops himself before committing the same mistake again. In creating life, one learns to live life a little wiser.…
The character of Frankenstein has evolved in today’s pop culture to be a giant, green monster that chills the bones of children. Children recognize his zombie-like walk with his arms reaching out as well as the bolts in his neck. They think he grunts and groans to communicate. Nonetheless, these assumptions of the authentic Frankenstein are mistaken. His differences from humanity are diminutive once analyzed. The being Victor Frankenstein created possesses civilized characteristics and actions. The monster is a male who learns to talk, read, interact, and survive in an unfamiliar world by himself. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor’s creation is often referred to as “the monster,” however after analyzing the being deeper than his appearance, the creature is indeed human. This being develops intellectually, emotionally and morally, which should allow him to be considered more than a monstrous species.…
Secrecy, like many other things in life, should be taken in moderation. Too much and one becomes isolated, distant to all friends and family members. Too little and one discovers that there is no privacy. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein has a problem deciding whether or not to tell his secret. Through Victor, Shelley warns us of the dangers of secrecy, and isolation, as well as the necessity of secrecy. In this classic, Shelley hints at secrecy should not be taken lightly; one must find equilibrium between isolation and publicity.…
Victor and the monster use nature for a place where they can go to and where they can stay. In the book, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Victor Frankenstein, the protagonist, desires to know more about life and decides to create a living creature by using various interesting objects. Though after creating the monster, he realizes that his creation will become a threat and people will become afraid. Soon after its creation, the monster disappears and its location becomes unknown. Victor finds out that William, Victor’s youngest brother, was killed and he suspects that it was the monster’s doing, but rather the people accuse Justine of killing him. After Justine’s death, Victor begins to feel guilty for Justine’s death because he created the monster that had killed William. Victor now must find a way to find the monster and destroy it. Victor and the monster use nature for healing, to see its beauty, to make a place where they can stay to relax, and to explain their mental states. I think that Victor and the monster use nature in different ways to do their duty.…
In Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley, Victor Frankenstein purses a great thirst for knowledge resulting in his own demise. Frankenstein sought power and and was therefore punished for his curious mindset, eventually dying of exhaustion attempting to track his monstrous creation after it had killed Victor's loved ones.…
In the novel Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein and his creation are analogous, but there are many differences between the two. Victor grew up with loving siblings and parents and they never denied him anything. The monster that Victor created was deserted by Victor to fight for himself, victor was more a monster than the creature. The monster is self-educated learning from watching from Delacy’s (“My days were spent in close attention, that I might more speedily master the language”. P 99) while Victor was taught in school (“When I had attained the age of seventeen my parents resolved that I should become a student at the University of Ingolstadt”. P 28), Victor was loved and had loved but the monster never experienced anything but hatred from everyone around him.…
Throughout the novel Frankenstein, author Mary Shelley clearly illustrates the moral of the story. God is the one and only creator; therefore, humans should never attempt to take His place. Literary critic Marilyn Butler sums up that we aren’t to tamper with creation in her comment: “Don’t usurp God’s prerogative in the Creation-game, or don’t get too clever with technology” (302). Butler warns that as humans, we should never assume the position of God. As Victor Frankenstein takes advantage of his deep scientific knowledge, he is punished for taking his experimenting too far.…
The book Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, is the story of Dr. Victor Frankenstein. Robert Walton, captain of a ship exploring the “Land of mist and snow”, rescues Dr. Frankenstein. As Frankenstein lies ill aboard the ship he tells his story to the captain, who shares the encounter in letters written to his sister. The story takes place in Europe during the 1800’s. Frankenstein is sent to the University of Ingolstadt, where he studies natural philosophy and chemistry.…