Romanticism is a literary and art movement during the 18th and 19th century that highlights imagination and emotions. Some of the literary works of the Romantics movement was Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley, The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. In these novels the focus is to express their emotions in an imaginative way and this movement has influenced many American writers as well as European writers. American writer such as Ralph Waldo Emerson was considered to be the “Father of the Romantics” and Henry David Thoreau followed in this movement. In Europe, different writers influenced the Romantics movement in different areas. For example, in France the movement was led …show more content…
In the Romantic movement there are different other elements that are connected with this movement such as nature, emotion, death, and fantasy. In this novel Shelley depicts the elements of romanticism through nature nature, imagination, and emotions. In the novel Frankenstein, the author also uses different other elements of Romanticism such as “science corrupts, but nature soothes” This phrase depicts the disruption and neglect of nature will cause individuals to create a monster or something unnatural. It also symbolisms that humans should not mess with the course of nature and should not disrupt the human life cycle. Another Romanticism element that is portrayed in this novel is nature. It is depicted by describing the swelling of the mountain rivers proceeding to sweep away the hopes and joys of …show more content…
It also reflects the author's imaginary works and the usage of emotions. This movement is significant because it depicts that the author's ability to create and imagine and also the inscribe emotions on a character. It also portrays the different emotions within the characters and gives the characters more meaning to the story. There are also different elements of romanticism that make the story more meaningful and powerful. The other elements of romanticism are women, children, individualism, and the inclusion of mythical creatures. Elements such as women and children are clearly displayed in The Scarlet Letter where Hester and her child is the focal point of the Puritan society. The novel also displays the individualism of Hester. In Frankenstein the inclusion of mythical creatures comes alive. In romanticism, mythical creatures are created and are given feelings such as in Frankenstein and in this story it also displays displays the disruption of