Roosevelt’s education and early political careers gave him much of the experience he needed in being an effective leader. “In 1896, Franklin Roosevelt attended Groton School for boys, a prestigious Episcopal preparatory school in Massachusetts. He strived to please the adults and took to heart the teachings of Groton's headmaster, Endicott Peabody, who urged students to help the less fortunate through public service” ( This experience had an …show more content…
effect on him as President since part of the reason he won the election was by playing the role of the underdog fighting for the less fortunate working class. If FDR had not attended this school, he might not have picked up some of the traits and viewpoints that helped him become elected. “Al Smith urged Franklin Roosevelt to run for governor of New York, in 1928. Roosevelt was narrowly elected, and the victory gave him confidence that his political star was rising”( This was the last political position he held before being elected president which gave him the connections he needed to successfully win the White House in 1932. FDR had also held a position in the New York state senate prior to this which had given him political experience that would benefit him as Governor and as President.
In many ways, Roosevelt was the perfect President to take on the Great Depression with his great optimism and energy that gave hope to the American people in such a terrible time.
“The first thing Roosevelt did after his inauguration was to declare a four day nationwide ‘bank holiday’”(Collier and Lincoln 63). This rebuilt confidence in the national banking system and allowed the government to access the banks to see which were still fit to run. An action this big gave the American people hope that President Roosevelt knew what he was doing and that they were on the road to recovery. “FDR’s New Deal measures into three groups: relief, recovery and reform”(Collier and Lincoln 62). The New Deal put forth by FDR improved roads across the U.S. while giving jobs to thousands of Americans and hope to their families. Part of his New Deal also created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. This still exists today and at the time of its creation insured bank accounts for up to
Franklin Roosevelt was an influential man and one of the best suited the take on Japan, Germany, and Italy in World War II. “Roosevelt spearheaded the alliance between countries combating the Axis, meeting frequently with Churchill and seeking to establish friendly relations with the Soviet Union and its leader, Joseph Stalin”( This alliance sealed by FDR showed his influence with other political leaders and the positive benefits that came with it. Roosevelt successfully secured a three-way alliance with three of the most powerful countries in the world. “During World War II, Franklin Roosevelt was a commander in chief who worked with and sometimes around his military advisors. He helped develop a strategy for defeating Germany in Europe through a series of invasions”( Roosevelt had many tactical military advisors with him and with their help FDR developed a successful strategy to defeating the enemy and ultimately winning the war. Some of the successful military strategies developed were by FDR himself who sometimes went against the advice of his advisors.
FDR’s education and political experience allowed him to successfully handle two of the biggest American crises, the Great Depression and WWII. When many lost hope during the Great Depression, Roosevelt was there to lend a helping hand by giving a family a job through the New Deal or simply assuring them that the country was getting better through his famous fireside chats. He kept America safe from the threats in Europe as well as the threats of the Japanese in the Pacific during World War II. Will the White House or the world ever see a leader this influential again?