Melissa Ramirez-Arias (000313608)
Mohawk College
Leaders are influential people who are responsible for commanding or leading a group of people, community, organization or country. Leaders have a big impact on the decisions that are made by the group of people being lead and since the beginning of time have been chosen by communities as individuals that can be trusted to make important decisions for the benefit of the greater community. The United States has had many influential leaders that not only have impacted the decisions made in the United States of America but that have also influenced the development of many countries around …show more content…
Roosevelt’s strong leadership helped America recover from the darkness of the 1930s by exploring life prior to president Roosevelt’s leadership in the United States as well as how Roosevelt gave hope to his citizens during the great depression and how he managed to stabilize the country’s economy after the stock market crash and finally it will explore life after president Roosevelt’s leadership in the United States.
During the 1920s prior to Roosevelt’s presidency, the American economy was prosperous, although not stable it did not collapse all at once, nor for one reason in particular. Wreszin explains in his book “Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History of the Great Depression that “historians identified four interwoven and reinforcing causes of the nation’s most severe economic crisis: the overly speculative and unstable foundations of the American financial sector; structural weaknesses in both American agriculture and industry; and the frailty of the international economy in the late 1920s and the early 1930s” (2010). American businesses during the twenties increasingly raised capital by either soliciting private investment or by selling stock. Wreszin …show more content…
(2009). The 1930s and the present day – Crises compared. Economic Affairs, 29(4), 80-82. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0270.2009.01952.x
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Whaples, R. (2007). Roosevelt, the great depression, and the economics of recovery. Journal Of Southern History, 73(2), 493-494. Retrieved from n.aspx?direct=true&db=khh&AN=25001963&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Wreszin, M. (2010). Dancing in the dark: A cultural history of the great depression. American Communist History, 9(1), 93-97 Retrieved from