Liszt reputation was that he gave away many of his concerts proceeds to charities and humanitarian causes. One of the things Liszt did was that in 1842 he found out about the Great Fire of Hamburg, which this fire had destroyed much of the city and he created concerts to create ate for the thousands of homeless. In 1847 he met …show more content…
Some people consider it vulgar and others romantic. Liszt most famous achievement during the time he was here was the creation of the symphonic poem, this was a type of orchestral musical piece that illustrates a poem, story, a painting or anything unmusical. This symphonic poem is not a song but is does come close to music and drama. For the next ten years his works found their way into the concert halls of Europe and this won him a greater list of followers.
Liszt ended up showing off new techniques in the piano which made it seem like more than one person was actually playing this instrument. In one of his pieces The Hungarian Rhapsodies, Liszt makes the piano sound like a Gypsy band. Even though Liszt talent his work transcriptions made it possible for other people to play it with their own instrument.
Liszt then created the tone poem which was a one-movement orchestral composition based on pictorial ideas. Many of Liszt compositions are based on evil like funeral music and then it can change to fury and then change to meditation. Liszt music did influence many different composers to include Wagner. He was said to be a stupendous performer with a great